Brain Invaders

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After a few more minutes of eating, two of the clones walked in. "Hey boys. Can't sleep either?" I said smiling. Ahsoka gave them the same look, "Care to join us?" There was something wrong. The clones just stood there. Their eyes just glared back at us. "Guys? Everything ok?" I asked. Ahsoka moved a little closer to me, "Is something wrong troopers?" Out of nowhere, the two clones opened fire on us. We quickly ignited our sabers and deflected the bolts away. I backflipped grabbing the table with Ahsoka and turned it on it's side. We ducked behind it using it as cover. "What's going on?" Barriss asked. "How should I know? Why would I order them to shoot at us? Wait here." I answered and ran out of cover. The two clones focused on me as I continued to evade their attacks. I jumped off the wall and kicked one of the troopers in the head, knocking him out. I grabbed the other's blaster and smacked him with it putting him to sleep as well. I turned to see the other two peeking out from behind the table, "You can come out now." I said rolling my eyes. They walked next to me as I examined the two unconscious bodies.

Just then, Trap and Havoc ran in with weapons drawn. We all ignited our sabers and pointed them at the troopers. "What are you doing?" Trap asked, raising his hands. "Two clones just attacked us. What is going on?" Ahsoka yelled. The two clones looked at each other with concern. I could sense their confusion and worry. They weren't here to attack us. "Trap, do you know what happened to those troopers?" Barriss asked. "Couldn't tell you Commander. We're just as confused as..." Barriss cut him off, "You're in charge of those men. Did you order them to kill us?" Trap was even more worried, "No sir. I did not." "What's happening? Why would they do this?" Ahsoka asked. "We don't know. We heard shots." Havoc answered and Trap nodded confirming it. "Why should we believe you?" Barriss asked. Trapped lowered to the ground, "Look. No guns." He said as he and Havoc put their guns to the floor. I could sense their terror even stronger. "Alright put your sabers down." I ordered Ahsoka and Barriss, but they didn't move. "Trap may be in charge of those men, but I am in charge of this whole ship. Put your lightsabers down. THAT'S AN ORDER!!!" I screamed. They finally complied and disengaged their sabers. I looked towards the two clones still with their hands up, "At ease boys. I believe you." "Thank you Commander." Trap answered.

I stroked my chin, "These men wouldn't have attacked us without reason. Master Skywalker did have a clone betrayer a few months ago, but that doesn't seem like the case." Ahsoka nodded, remembering when Anakin told us of Slick and his treason. "Excuse me sir. We should make sure we're still in control of the bridge." Trap reminded us. I nodded and activated my commlink, "Pilots, this is First Commander Tinguard. Respond immediately." There was no answer. "We need to get up there now." Ahsoka said. Barriss looked at the unconscious clones, "These two will be coming around any minute." "Havoc can watch them until we get back." Trap answered. I nodded, "Keep an eye on them. Alright before we go, let's get one thing clear. We are not killing anyone. They may not be in control of themselves and being made to do this. Trap set your blaster to stun." He nodded and switched his weapon settings. I looked at the other two Padawans, "Is that understood?" Ahsoka and Barriss rolled their eyes, "Yes sir First Commander." We ran out of the mess hall and made our way toward the bridge.

We were almost to the bridge when security ray-shields activated in front of us. "Well someone knows we're coming." I said. "I'll attempt to override the controls." Barriss said and started to fiddle with the control panel. My eyes snapped open and I quickly spun around igniting my lightsaber slicing Traps blaster in half. Trap jumped away and ran toward Barriss. He pinned her against the wall. She struggled trying to get free. Trap opened his mouth and revealed a brain worm moving around. "HE'S INFECTED!!!" Barriss yelled and reached for her lightsaber. I quickly pulled her saber to my hands and force pushed Trap off of her. I then pulled the brain worm out of Trap's mouth and crushed it. "WHAT DID I SAY?!! NO KILLING ANYONE!!!" I yelled and tossed her saber back to her. Trap laid on the ground knocked out. I grabbed a blaster pistol from his pocket and gave it to Ahsoka, "Set it to stun. Well we know what's controlling the clones. Master Kenobi told me that these brain worms were able to control dead Geonosians. I guess they can control other beings too."

"How did these things get on board in the first place?" Ahsoka asked. Barriss picked up the dead worm. "They must have infected the clones before we left Geonosis." Ahsoka stood up, "We have to warn the medical station of what's on this ship." I looked at the unconscious Trap, "I agree. Ahsoka you head to the communications center and contact the Republic. Barriss you try to get to the bridge by getting through the ray-shields." Barriss looked at me with confusion, "But I can't get through the security controls." I rolled my eyes and outstretched my hand focusing on the door controls. The ray-shields soon turned off and I looked at Barriss, "There. Now you don't even have to worry about it." Ahsoka looked at me, "And what are you going to do?" I smirked at her, "You get the easy part and I get the fun part. I'm the bait. I'll draw the clones away while you two contact the medical station." Ahsoka was a little worried, "Just make sure you're not caught." I laughed, "That's the plan. Remember, no killing anyone." Barriss ran toward the bridge while Ahsoka and I ran toward the communication center. "Hide in this hallway until I draw the clones out of the center." I said and walked in, "Hey look it's a Jedi." I mocked as all the clones turned toward me with angry faces. I continued to taunt them, "I'll make this simple. I run. You try to catch me." I almost laughed under my breath as I ran out of the communications center with the clones in hot pursuit. Ahsoka watched me from her hiding spot. I saw her laugh and shake her head as she entered the comms.

I ran all over the ship attracting more clones in the chase. I got on my commlink, "Hey, you two contact the medical station yet? This would be a lot more fun if they were trying to give me a medal." Ahsoka answered, "Yes I did. I haven't heard from Barriss. WHAT THE....AAAA!!!" The sound of her scream almost made me drop dead, "AHSOKA!!! AHSOKA ARE YOU THERE?!!! AHSOKA!!!" I had to get to the comms. If Barriss isn't answering, she must have been infected and Ahsoka might have been too. Great. Of course it comes down to just me.

I made it to the comms and locked the door behind me. "Ahsoka? Ahsoka are you in here?" I whispered walking around with my hand grasping my lightsaber. I heard faint Geonosian sounds and I looked up. Ahsoka pounced on me with her lightsaber and I quickly jumped out of the way. I continued to block her attacks and force pushed her away. She gave a little smirk and sliced up the communication equipment next to her. I was a little pissed off, "Dang it Ahsoka. I really needed that." She attacked me again, but this time I evaded her and ran out of the room. I had to get to the bridge as I continued through the hallways. I ran up to the bridge entrance, but Barriss was standing there waiting with her saber ignited. Ahsoka caught up to me from behind. "I knew I was attractive, but you girls are driving me crazy." I mocked as they both attacked. I force jumped over Barriss and ran into the bridge activating long-range comms.

After fending off the two infected Jedi for a while longer, Master Skywalker contacted me, "Ahsoka, Axle are you there?" I quickly answered while still fighting off the others, "Yes Master.....Ahsoka has been infected along with Barriss. Don't worry she's fine, but......I don't think she's happy." "Axle listen to me. Activate the cooling cells. It will kill the parasite." Skywalker informed. "Understood." I answered and reached for the controls to the cooling cells. I was in a blade lock with both Ahsoka and Barriss as they pinned me against the wall. I focused on the force and reached out. The controls activated and the cold air blew all around the bridge. I pushed the two back into the cold air. They screamed in pain as the parasites left their body and they fainted to the ground. "Master Skywalker....It worked." I said and fainted next to them.


I exploded up and looked around quickly. I was on the medical station in a healing room. Master Fisto was next to me and he put his hand on my shoulder, "It's ok my boy. You're alright. You saved the ship." I began to relax, "What about Ahsoka? Is she safe?" Master Fisto grinned, "She is fine. In fact she's right next to you." I turned and looked at her sleeping body. She slowly blinked her eyes and got up, "Ow. That was not fun." I was overjoyed to see her back to her old self. She looked at me and jumped up. I was surprised when she grabbed me and hugged me tightly, "I'm so sorry for that." I smiled and hugged her back, "It's ok. It wasn't your fault." We broke the hug at the sound of Barriss waking up, "Will you two please keep it down. I'm trying to sleep." I looked back at Ahsoka and we both laughed quietly. She looked at Master Fisto, "So his nickname is Axey?" I put my hand on my forehead as Master Fisto explained, "Axle's parents gave him that nickname. When I came to bring him to the order, I decided to honor his family's choice to be a little connection to home." Ahsoka looked back at me and put her hand on my shoulder, "I like it. It's cute." I smiled back as Master Fisto walked out to let us rest.

Wolves of the Force (Ahsoka X Axle)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin