Chapter Thirty-Five

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(A/N So sorry I haven't been updating a lot! I just got a lot on my plate right now! So sorry! Thanks for reading, I'm gonna get on with the chapter now!)

I back away from Eric and Tris and start running for it. I can't breathe, my heart is in my throat, with a nervous feeling in my stomach. I am afraid. Terrified actually. I'm still running, my feet moving at a speed that I didn't know was possible. My heart pounding, with it in my throat, I can't stop running, I'm not safe. I can't do this, I don't want to be right here. But then I feel this nerve, this feeling, this determination, to make it. I'll keep going.

I start to slow my constant speed to a fast jog. I don't feel safe anymore, I don't think I ever did. While I run, I can hear the sound of footsteps beginning to get louder and louder, a sign that someone's coming closer.

"Carter! Carter!" a familiar voice yells at me, it's not a comforting voice, instead it sound hoarse and raspy. "Carter, it's me, Edward!" he yells.

Edward? I thought he was still in the hospital. But when I turn around, it's him, with a swollen face and a wrapped hand, and all. His medium brown hair, his tall, muscular and handsome body, right in front of me. Everything that he is, right here. But I can't shake this unsettling feeling.

"Why are you out of the hospital? Thought you'd be in there for at least another couple more days," I ask curiously.

"I kind of..." he trails off.


"Snuck out..." he says scratching the back of his head.

"Are you crazy!" I yell at him.

"I'm not crazy. I'm just in love with you," he says laughing, while coming towards me and you picking me up. God even with a fractured wrist he can pick me up, he's not weak, at all.

"Well, in that case, give me a kiss you douche-pants," I laugh, and there he goes kissing me with his soft moist lips. Our lips move in a motion, that makes it feel as we were meant for each other. Our lips fit into each others. "Edward," I say stopping our make-out session. "I have fear simulations today," I sigh.

"Can't you just skip it,"

"No I can't, I actually have to do things to make it through initiation," I say pushing him away. He moans and lets me go.

"Bye," I wave. But he just stands there with his arms crossed, pouting like a child. Well, not like any Abnegation child, they never get anything to want. It's self-indulgent. I walk away and I find that Eric is thankfully gone. I see Tris waiting for the initiates to come.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey you alright?" she asks.

"Yeah I'm fine," I reply. I don't want her to know I saw her and Eric talking, more like arguing. I feel a little uneasy, she was with Eric. I want to know why. But I will not let my curiosity get the best of like so many times before. I've figured out it always seems to get the best of me, and that always gets me in some sort of danger. And I always regret it. So this time, I'll pass on all that unwanted danger, and bite my tongue.

"That's good," she smiles at me.

"So when do think the other initiates will come?"

"Hard to say," she says biting her bottom lip. I can feel my curiosity urging me to ask her why she was walking to Eric. But I can't. If I did she would know that I was listening to their conversation. Snooping other people's conversations doesn't get you the best friend in the world award. I certainly haven't won the award. Not even close to it.

"So how's Four holding up?" I ask breaking the awkward silence.

"He's just a little torn up, he's fine" she smiles at me. That's refreshing, he just doesn't want to see me get hurt. That's way he wouldn't let me help the wounded, I saw initiates helping out, he said that I couldn't help because I was an initiate.

"You know let's start before they come." she says. I follow her out to the simulation office.

"Alright you know the drill," she says injecting my neck.

When I come back from the temporary darkness I find myself in a room with a gun on the table. I've been in this simulation before. Why am I in it again?

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