Chapter Eighteen

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I stop looking at the Chasm and proceed to the Pit, I see no one here. I decide I'll pratice some of my techinques. The punching bags sit on the floors same as always, the sag with their frayed cloth, and it's faded, bleachy burgany color. The harsh texture of the of fabric feels horrible on hands.

I continue to practice and hear footsteps, "Keep some tension here tiger," says a familiar voice. I feel warm hands on my waist. I turn around; Edward. I smile and turn around, I take the collar of his shirt and bring him down and slowly kiss him. He wraps his hands around my waist, tightening the grip. I wrap my hands around his neck and place them in his hair creating knots in his dark hair.

"Woah no PDA!" says Four holding hands with Tris.

"Shut up you overprotective parent!" I shout back. And I continue to kiss him slowly. He picks me up bridal-style. I start to laugh.

"Edward we have training," I say. He moans and sets me back down.

"That's better," says Four smiling.

"Nice, Four, Nice" I say back at him. He just smirks. I feel my face getting hot.

"Calm down tiger!" says Edward.

"Why do you keep calling me tiger?" I ask.

"You can be sweet and compassionate or you can be violent like a tiger," he replies. I start laughing.

"Yeah Edward, grrr....." I say. I feel like more of a tiger cub. He comes towards and picks me again.

"Grrrrr!" he says before kissing me again.

"This again. I said no PDA!" says Four getting agitated.

"Shut up Four!" says Edward. Then I hear footsteps......

"Put her down!" yells someone. I pull back. My father. He sets me back down on my feet.

"It's fine dad," I say with a reinsuring smile.

"Okay...." says my dad trailing off. I feel like I'm being treated like a baby. I am freaking sixteen years-old. I am not a baby.

"It's fine, I can take care of myself," I say again. I feel the anger inside of me bubble. He's doing it again; he's stumbling, losing his way.

"Sorry.... I'm really protective of my daughter," says my father again. His tone flares with hostility.

"Stop! Just stop treating me like you own me! I am not a baby. Nor someone's property!" I shout.

"Wait this is your dad," says Four from behind me.

"Yeah...." I trail off.

"You stay away from my sister," says Four. I shudder. He said sister. I feel wanted. A sense of belonging.

"She has a brother and he's my son," spits my father.

"Okay! You two stop! I feel like I'm a rope in a game of tug-of-war!" I shout. I feel my face getting hot again. "I don't belong to anyone besides myself!" I continue. They remain silent. I want to walk off but I can't I have training. I feel like punching something. I walk over to the bags and just start punching. My knuckles sting and are furiously turning red. Mixed with blisters scattered everywhere. I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I jump and twist the arm. I'm not in the mood with jokers.

"Owww!" shouts Edward. I release and start hugging him.

"I sorry. I'm just not in a good mood." I say rubbing his arm.

"Yeah, I could tell," he says rubbing my back with his good arm. I sigh and hug him as if could fix everything. My mind is spinning from everything that's been happening. My life has just seemed to plumit. It swerves out of control, going from right to left, to south and north.

I feel as if the world has just stopped. That everything's going to be okay, I don't know if it is. I feel alone at times, like no one understands. Then I remember Four calling me his sister. I feel like I belonged here.

"You know what?" I say.

"What? Chicken butt?" he says being funny.

"No, I love you," I say smiling.

He freezes. I feel embarassed, what if he doesn't feel the same way back. He smiles and says, "I love too,". I grab his collar and kiss him slowly; as if the world could come crashing down any second now.

"Hey love birds! Get back to work!" yells Eric.

"Come on Edward we have to train," I say. He moans and follows Eric's orders. I continue punching the bag. My hands are on fire, a burning sensation is all over them. I feel the same sensation in my heart; it beats with power. With the feeling of hope and empowerment. The world is such a big place. One person can feel as if the small part they take is too small or just enough. I want to make the best of the space I was trusted with. To contribute to the Earth's battle to overthrow corruption.

"Okay initiates come over here we're fighting!" says Eric. I look at everyone rushing to see who's fighting who. I let the crowd defuse, before walking over myself. I stare at the board, I know I'm not going to fight today because I fought a few days ago. With Edward. The thought sickens me; the very person I love, I fought and won. Feeling of turning into a monster, overcame my mind. It still sickens me.

The board reads:




And some Dauntless-born names are on the board; ones I don't recognize.

"Okay Theo and Jack come on up!" yells Eric smiling. Smiling? How could he at something so terrible. They walk up, Jack kissing his girlfriend Jessie's hand. Theo shudders a bit, I don't think he's afraid of losing. Just of fighting him.

"Begin...Now!" shouts Eric. They begin, Theo throws a round-house kick to Jack's stomach. Jack stumbles a few steps back. Then he hits Theo in the jaw, the very place I hit Edward. I shudder, the thoughts come flooding back. The moment Edward hit the floor. When I told him how I felt towards him. My father. Marcus. I look at the platform and see Theo standing beside Jack; who is on the floor, writhing in pain.

Theo has a fearful look in his eyes; he feels like a monster. I know it, that was me once. He starts running out of the Pit. I stare at him, then run towards him.

"Theo!" I yell running after him through the corridor.

"What do you want?!" he yells. He's out of breath.

"It's okay you didn't mean to do that. At least you didn't want to," I say trying to calm him down.

"Yeah. But I still did it!" he shouts with his head in his hands.

"You didn't want to, that's all that matters right!" I shout. I can't calm him down.

"Okay," he mutters. He sighs. And he just keeps repeating the same word. Okay.

He looks at me and says, "Thanks".

"No problem," I say.

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