Chapter Twenty-Five

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I wish I knew more about this uprising called 'Allegiant'. I don't get; are Divergents genetically pure? And if so how? What's makes us pure? It doesn't make sense; what makes us different? I mean besides the obvious Divergent factor. Why are we important?

"Edward?" I blurt out.

"Yeah," he says; obvious bored out of his mind.

"Why do you need Divergents?" I ask.

"Because your genes are pure. Not like us genetically damaged." he sighs.

I walk to him and look into his eyes and say, "Your genes don't change who you are,"

"Well-" I cut him off.

"Stop putting yourself down. You have the biggest heart I know. You are sweet and you mean the world to me. Okay? I love you is that enough?" I say. My cheeks are warming up.

"I'm sorry Carter. I just was taught that GP's are always better." he sighs.

"So you're saying if a GP was killing someone and a GD was killed saving that person. The GP is better?" I ask furious.

"No. Not like tha-" I cut him off again.

"I'm out. I can't be with you right now! You're acting so stupid!" I shout running out of his door. I don't get why he's putting himself so low. He's great and I don't get it!

"Carter!" he yells running after me.

"What do you want?" I hiss.

"I'm sorry. I know that I was acting so stupid. It's just what they teach us in the Burea." he sighs. Looking me right in the eyes; why does he do this? He had to have those beautiful eyes! I could kiss him right now.

"Okay. You've convinced me." I smile and pull his collar down; so his face is leveled with mine. I kiss him slowly as if the world could come crashing down on us any second. I love him. And he's mine and I'm his. That sickly sounded like we are a old married couple. It pains me to see get himself down for being a GD. It doesn't change who the person is inside. Just because statistics tell you crime is higher in GDs than GPs. Doesn't change the character; the person inside. It's genes. You can't change what you're made of.

"Never call someone better than you because they're a GP, Okay?" I say.

"Fine, Carter." he says like I'm his mother and he's a misunderstood teenage.

"Now son don't forget to clean the dishes!" I scold pretending to be his mother.

"But Mom!" he whines.

"No but's about it!" I scold again. I wish life could just be full of laughter. I guess that's what the Amity get; they believe in kindness and harmony. Probably in magical unicorns too.

"I'm going to bed you wanna come?" he ask wagging his eyebrows up and down.

"Maybe...You have to give me something in return," I laugh.

"What?" he asks. He's willing to do something.

"One kiss," I say tapping my lips.

"Oka-" I cut him off with a kiss.

"You get me with you tonight," I laugh. He picks me up bridal-style and takes me to his bed.

"You know you need some pajamas," he sighs.

"Just give me one of your shirts for God's sake." I grunt.

"Okay give me a second!" he says with his hands up in defense.

"Okay..." I trail off. He goes through his drawers and throws a shirt at me. "Owww! You hurt me!" I say like a little girl. He rolls his eyes. I change into hyper-speed. His shirt is soft like cotton. And he comes back in boxers; only in boxers. It sends chills down my spine.

"You like what you see?" he asks laughing. Dang it; he must've caught me staring.

"Uh...." I trail off. And yet again captured by how his muscles flex around with every move he takes.

He walks into bed and beckons me to join him. I jump into bed like a little girl.

"Yep. Thanks for making a wonderful dent in my sheets. I just ironed these sheets." he sighs.

"You know you love me though." I laugh.

"Sadly yes." he sighs and grabs me in his arms. "I got you," he whispers in my ear and I soon fall alseep. The comforting darkness grabs me in. And I leave this world for a few hours.

I wake up; Edward's not next to me. He probably went to get breakfast or something.

"Hi," he says sitting next to me.

"Do we have training?" I ask.

"No some initiates were scared to death. They gave us an one-day vacation. Yay!" he says sarcastically.

"At least I don't have to deal with Eric." I say. He's a butthole. It's nice to stay away from buttholes.

"Yeah." he sighs. Everyone hates Eric; I mean who wouldn't. Last year they said hung a transfer of the railing; above the chasm.

"So you wanna eat something?" he asks. He's winging it. He has no idea on how to talk to a girl.

"Yes. But I didn't know I was actually a dog." I say.

"Oka- oops I didn't know I was affending you," he says, face-palming himself.

"It's fine," I say. I start laughing. He just looks at me like I'm crazy. Then he starts laughing too; it took a minute for the humor to sink in and process as well.

"Okay it wasn't that funny," he says ending the laughing spell.

"Yeah. I mean woof woof!" I laugh and he looks at me and I stop laughing. "Did you skip the coffee or something. You're being really serious." I ask.

"No I just thinking about the team, Allegiant." he sighs. Not this again. He's putting himself down again.

"Stop it." I say.

"Stop what?" he asks.

"Stop putting yourself down because your not a GP." I say.

"Okay." he says plainly. He's not doing anything to stop it; the self-doubt which he has inflicted within himself.

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