Chapter Seven

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I hear banging against the cold metal railing. Indicating to get up. I got out of bed and run into the Pit. I slept in clothes last night. Too tired after the tattoo parlor to change into my old Abnegation rags. After entering the pit I spot Four, Tris and Eric. Then my eyes land on a box of guns. I never held a gun before. Abnegation think weapons are unneeded. After a few minutes the initiates arrive. Out of breath. Eric nods to Four.

"Hello initiates, today we'll be shooting guns. You'll need to hit the target for the remaining hour," says Four. Then starts passing out the guns. He hands me one. Although it is small. It's still heavy. It's full of power. When I hold it I feel it's cold metal brushing against my hand. Sending a shiver down my spine. "Start...Now!" Shouts Four. I plant my feet away from each other. Then I curl my fingers around the trigger. Then shoot a few times. Not quite on the center but close. I try again this time hitting the center. I smile then let out a sigh of relief.

After the hour is up I walk to the cafeteria. I look around for a seat. Catherine's talking with her new Dauntless-born friends. And doesn't even see me. I glance around. My eyes land on Tris and Four. I don't even stop myself from walking and taking a seat. "Well why don't you take a seat," jokes Tris. I just laugh. It feels good to laugh. To just relax and to not have to be up tight about being selfless or not to do self-indulgent activities. "Carter you did well today with that gun," says Four. I nod. I can't remember being so good at something. Or better than anyone at something. "Yeah, I guess your right," I say. "You guess? You were great out there and on your first time. A stiff? That's crazy!" He says. He's overworking his mind. The gears in his mind just hit a big advantage point. "I got a tattoo you wanna see it?" I say. Tris nods. I lift up my hair so they can see the caged bird. Me. Being set free. And the word free above it. Tris smiles. "It's beautiful," exclaims Tris. "Yeah it is but why'd you get it?" Asks Four. "I felt different in Abnegation. So when I left I felt free. Free to do new things. To have." I answer. They're having pizza again. I grab a piece and take a bite. "You know I felt the same way," says Tris. "You were Abnegation!?" I say shocked. She chuckles then nods her head. "Yeah, I'm Andrew Prior's daughter," I gasp. It means her parents know my parents. How come I haven't seen her before. "I should've seen you considering I've been to your house many times because of my parents," I say. "Your parents?" She asks. "Yes my parents are Cathy and James Johnson," I say. She nods. "I know about the whole faction before blood thing but do you know anyone named Johnny Johnson. He's my brother," I ask. My mind can't get seem to get Johnny out of my mind. "Johnny? Blond hair, green eyes?" She asks. I nod my head. "From three years ago," I say. "Follow me," says Four. We walk to the other side of the compound to an apartment. "He lives here," he says. I nod my head. "Johnny!" Yells Four. "What Four?" Yells someone. I know who it is. Johnny. "There's someone that wants to see you!" He yells back. Then someone opens up. A tall man with blond hair and green eyes. Just like Johnny. Except he has the symbol of Abnegation tattooed on his wrist. "Who's this-" before he can finish I tell him. "I'm your sister Caty,". He walks forward then takes me in his warm embrace. "I've missed you," he says into my hair. "I've missed you too," I say. 

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