Chapter Twenty-Two

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I walk back to the dorms with Edward. I want to say I feel safe here in Dauntless; but I can't. I feel as if I'm in danger. Saying that I'm afraid is an understatment. I don't feel safe. What if my brother was kidnapped because of his divergence? What if I'm next?

I can't think about it now. I have to find him tomorrow. He'll be safe; I will find him.

"Hey Carter, where were you?" says an initiate I don't know.

"None of your buisness," I hiss.

"Carter. It's fine," says Edward rubbing my back. I climb into my bunk. I let the darkness consume me.

I appear in a room; I try to move my arms but they're tied to a chair and so are my legs. I see Edward smiling with something in his hand; a gun.

"Edward what are you doing?" I ask.

"You didn't actually think I loved you. Or that I was divergent. It was just a lie. I have to kill you now," he says sickly. I stay there for a few seconds, thinking of what I should do. There's no cameras or guards; I see no back-up.

"Any last words?" he asks sickly.

"Yeah, go to hell," I reply. I stand up and hit him with a chair. I see a knife in his back pocket. I grab it and cut the ropes.

I grab the gun and point it to him, "Say goodbye,"

"No, Carter please," says Edward. No he's changed into Johnny.

"Johnny?" I ask my voice hourse.

I jolt awake, breathing heavy, covered in sweat. I look at my watch. It reads 12:37. I can't beieve it was only three hours. I walk out of the dorms; I don't want to go to the Chasm. I walk to the net; where I first became Carter. A first jumper. A Dauntless. A fighter. I see the full moon when I walk to net. No stars, just a bright moon.

"What are you doing here?" I jolt my head back; my dad.

"Couldn't sleep," I respond.

"Is it about your brother?" he asks. I nod. "You want to talk about it?" he asks.

"Yeah, I had a nightmare," I sigh.

"What was it about?" he asks.

"I was tied to a chair and my boyfriend was trying to kill me." I say plainly.

"That's horrifing," he says plainly. "I'm sorry for today." he says.

"It's fine," I sigh. I stare at the sky. Some of the clouds are visible; if you look closely. I feel the cool breeze against my bare skin. It feels refreshing, I just need to get away. I get on the net and start climbing up the rough wall.

"What are you doing?!" shouts my dad.

"Shhh!" I say. I climb for about half a hour until I reach the top of the steep building. I feel the heavy breeze pushing me to the side. I hear the wind feriously going through the air. It feels cold and chilly; but I like it. I look at my watch; it reads 1:03. I sigh I still have at least eight hours left. I can't sleep; horrible dreams await me. I stare into the infinate darkness in the sky. I notice that moon's the only source of light; and that the it lights up the night sky. All by its self. It's inpendance is enpowering. I want to see my brother again. I need to find him, he's all I got. I just don't know if I can. My brother was kidnapped; the stronger, more skilled and more trained person. If they can kidnap him, what makes me think I can get him out? What makes me think that I won't get myself in trouble? All a person can do is try. Right?

"Carter?" I jolt my head back; Jake. I shudder, he killed his own mother.

"Yeah, I gotta go!" I say as I run past him. I jump onto the net and run back to the dorms.

When I arrive everyone's alseep. I sigh out of relief. I look at my watch it reads 4:38. Dang, how long was I out? I crawl into my bunk and let the darkness consume me once more.

This time I appear in darkness, I can't see a thing. I can't breathe as well. I'm in water and I am drowning. I try to float and reach above the water for air. I can't the water's too deep and thick. I use of my strength to get air. I finally make it above the water and I gasp for air.

I jolt awake once again, I stare at my watch. It's 6:27. Three more hours, I don't feel safe here. With Jake here, and all.

I run to Tris and Four's apartment. I knock rapidly on the door. I'm afraid of Jake finding me.

"I'm coming!" yells someone, who I think is Tris. She opens the door and she's already awake. "Carter. What are you doing here?" she asks.

"I don't feel safe. Okay?" I say getting the apartment.

"Why is Carter here?" asks Four, when I get in the apartment.

"I saw Jake," I say shaking.

"What?" says Tris. "He's supposed to be in custody," she continues.

"That really makes me feel safe," I say sarcasticly. I sigh and collasp on the coach. "Can I stay here for a few nights? Please?". I ask.

"I don't see why not," says Tris.

"Thanks," I say. She shakes her head; something I'm accustumed to. Abnegation ways. I don't feel safe back out there in the dorms. If Jake is supposed to be under custody. How'd he get out? Could the person that took my brother help him get out? It's possible, then I just feel even less safe.

Tris and Four walk back into their room and I stay on the coach. Still wide awake. I can't sleep; not with Jake roaming this compound. So I got to keep watch. I get up and look around the room. Looking for a weopon of some sort. I search through the drawers and cabinets.

I stumble across a drawer full of pistols and other nice guns.

"Four!" I yell.

"What?!" he yells back.

"Can I keep a gun?!" I shout back. He walks out of his room and closes the drawer.

"Why do you need a gun?" he asks.

"I-I-I Er...Going to find my brother tomorrow. Tris didn't tell you?" I studder.

"Oh, I forgot. My nineteen year-old brain is failing me." he laughs. For once in the first time I see him actually looking the age he really is.

"Well can I have one?" I ask again.

"Oh yeah, sure have your pick," he says motioning to the drawer. I rumage through the drawer once more and I pick a pistol.

"Good choice," he says. He hands me a box; of bullets I guess. I open it up and load the gun up. There. I think; I'm safer. I don't actually want to shoot anyone or anything, on that matter. But I might have to this. For just tonight. I sigh. Am I ready for this? I'll just have to see.

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