Chapter Thirty-Four

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Everyone who was affected by the explosion are in the medical center, more like small room in the compound with medicine. This is awful, everyone is just left there, helpless.

When I walk back to the to the dorms, I feel exhausted. I decide to go to the washroom to cool off, when I stare at my reflection, I don't look like a scared Stiff anymore, in my reflection, I see a strong girl with long hair and bright green eyes, muscular arms and shoulders. I don't look as fragile as I did when I first came here. But I'm not quite as strong as a Dauntless. I guess once a Stiff always a Stiff. The word doesn't quite belong, this Dauntless slang doesn't quite fit in my mouth. I'm not used to it.

But what I do notice that shouldn't be there is smeared blood over my chin, temple and on my black shirt. The blood is not mine, just from the people I helped out. I thought being Dauntless would be a lot of fun, at times it really is fun, doing daring activities to test your bravery. Even though it doesn't quite do that. It just plain out stupid things to do. I can't walk around in dirty clothes, might as well used some of my credit that Dauntless created. Every month the Dauntless get a certain amount of credit to spend on whatever they wish, to me it sounds pretty good, they aren't Erudite, but the idea sounds good.

I walk out into the halls and I pass a lot of stores until I reach one shop I wanted to check out. When I walk inside I see a woman with bright purple hair, some small tattoos on her wrists and a nose piercing, she didn't go as far as some people do. Some people have more ink on their skin than bare skin.

"Hi, I'd like to check out some clothes," I say.

"Oh, yeah what would you like to check out?" she ask with a smile.

"Something that's easy to work out in," I say.

"I got just the right thing," she smiles and leads me to a section with tank tops and tight fitted pants, along with some plain black and red sneakers.

"This something you were looking for?" she ask pulling out a few tanks and pairs of pants. There's one purple, one deep red, one navy and one black colored tanks. For the jeans their all black.

"Yeah that's good," I say.

"You want some shoes?" she asks.

"Sure, why not," I say following her.

"How are these?" she asks holding out some dark red sneakers.

"Those are fine," I smile.

"Anything else you want?" she asks.

"Do you have any hair ties?" I ask.

"Yeah you can some, on the house," she smiles.

"Thank you," I say.

"No problem," she say handing me a bag of my clothes. I walk out and go back to the dorms. I change into the purple tank top and some jeans. Then I crawl into bed.

I'm first in plain darkness, then it changes. I'm soon in a grey house; Abnegation. Why am I dreaming about my old house? When I look down at what clothes I'm wearing, I'm still in Dauntless clothes. I walk down the stair of my old house. When I'm down I see my father reading the newspaper.

"Dad?" I say.

"Caty, how was your sleep?" he smiles at me. This isn't real, or right on that note.

"What's with you?" I ask, a little frightened.

"What are you talking about?" he says. I shake my head and I awake back in the world, which is complete darkness. With everyone asleep. I stare at my watch it reads 6:30. Maybe I'll go practice for awhile. I grab my sneakers and head out to the Pit.

When I do arrive I see a few instructors there, Eric, I stop why is Eric here, I though he was taken into custody, along with Tris fighting over something. I wonder what. I tune in, I usually try not to eavesdrop but I feel the aching need to know something; curiosity.

"What the hell, Eric?! Why would you ever feel like you needed to hurt Edward?" she yells at him. I gulp, I really wanna know why he's out.

"I love her, okay?!" he yells at her. I feel disgust, he may love me but I will never love him.

"You are a sadistic," she spits at him as she walks away. What's going to happen?

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