Chapter Twenty-Four

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I stand there in my brother's comforting arms; I just killed her. It's horrible, I'm a murderer. I am a monster!

"I'm going to the dining hall. Bye." I say letting the hot tears roll down my face. I wipe the tears; don't want to be known as the cry-baby Stiff. Will I become what I despise; a killer? I could have shot her in the leg; no she would still stab me in my leg.

I walk into the dining hall; Edward's laughing with all his friend, as if nothing's wrong. What a jerk; I told him that I loved him and he said it back. He didn't mean it; he's such a liar. I need to talk to him; I don't want to, but he knows about my divergence. He's a threat; I want to fall right back into his arms, I can't. Are all of these emotions fake? Just a simulation? I want to think he feels the same way; I don't know for sure. But what if he just handled this secret by trying to relate to me? I doubt it.

"Edward I need to talk to you. Alone." I hiss.

"Oh, okay bye guys!" he waves and I take him to the corner.

"You lied to me! I told you that I was divergent, and you lied right to my face!" I say. I can't hold this inside of me anymore. It's exploding.

"Carter it's not like that! I need to see who's divergen-" I cut him off.

"So you can kill them? So you can pretend to love them and then break their hearts. I said I loved you! I still do! And you said it back without feeling it back!" I shout. I can't control myself; they flood like a tsunami.

"I do love you! Okay?! I had to get you, Tris and Four to join our group; Allegiant." he says. I don't get it.

"Why do you need Divergents?" I ask.

"Because, if we don't save your pure genes. The Erudite will. There's a war stirring!" he says.

"Why not get my brother?" I ask.

"Because we already do." he says plainly. Is that why he asked about my Aplitude test results?

"Can I finish initiation first?" I ask. It doesn't feel right. I wanted to be part of a group of people like me; ones not afraid to face horrifying fears. I will fight and be the a warrior I'm supposed to be. But not for something against humanity.

"Fine, you finish Dauntless tiger." he says smiling. I can't resist; my heart's telling me to let all the betrayal go and just let my feeling take control. I stare into the eyes of the man I first fell in love with; those oceans of clusters of different colors. I let myself go and I kiss him. His soft lips lips brush against mine and I let everything go.

"I'm sorry Edward, but I need to feast on food. I'm starving." I say breaking away.

"Okay. But I get you after." he smiles. I walk with him into the cafeteria, with our fingers enlaced. How am I going to get outside of the city for this "Allegiant" group. That has genetically pure and damaged genes. I feel like a lab rat.

"Carter!" yells someone from behind; Uriah.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"I think something's wrong with Johnny!" he yells.

"What?!" I run towards him. "Take me to him!" I say. He leads me into his apartment. Johnny's on his bed crying.

"Johnny what's wrong?" I ask.

"Mom and Dad ate the bad the cheese!" he shouts. He lost it; he's crazy!

"Uriah! Help me get him into the infirmary!" I yell. We pick up his heavy body.

"He needs to lay off the Dauntless cake! He's so fat!" yells Uriah.

"I'm not fat! I'm fluffy! It was a joke Uriah. I got you!" laughs Johnny. I let go him and so does Uriah and he falls flat on his back on the hard carpet.

"Don't you ever do that again!" I shout at him.

"No promises!" he yells rolling on his stomach. I laugh and go to the ground in front of his face.

"You know, Johnny that I could tell Mom what you do with other Dauntless girls," I laugh.

"You wouldn't," he says concerned.

"As you said Johnny, no promises," I say and walk back to the dorms. I'm not hungry anymore.

As I walk down the halls, someone grabs me. I scream.

"Shhh! I said I get you after tiger," I sigh; it's Edward.

"Okay." I whisper.

"Okay." he repeats. He picks me up and I start laughing. He takes me into an apartment and throws me onto the bed. I'm a ready? What am I saying; I'm Dauntless.

"Edward, could we.....maybe not?" I ask embarrased.

"Of course. You're entitled to this. I'm not forcing you into anything you don't want to do," he says. I give him a quick kiss.

"You're such a gentleman," I smile.

"I know." he says. I laugh. I walk into the other parts of the apartment; the kitchen to be exact.

"I'm still hungry." I say plainly. I ate nothing.

"Okay. My princess I will get you some pizza," he says in a funny voice.

"Thank you my prince," I say coping him. He takes out something from the freezer. A frozen pizza. Then places it on the round pan and pops it into the oven.

"You have to wait," he says plainly.

"Oh thanks Mr. Obvious." I say smirking.

"I'm sorry but I'm hungry too!" he says with his hands up in the air; surrending.

A hour passes us by and he takes the steaming round piece of heaven in food-form. I stare at him and he stares back. We make a wild dash to the pizza. He wins but is caught at a bad point; he takes a bite and burns his tounge.

"See Edward, you have to let it cool off before eating,"  I say, pretending to talk to a three year-old.

"Yeah thanks for telling me now," he sighs. I take a slice and blow it furiously and then take a bite of my warm pizza.

"See Edward. That's how it's done." I laugh.

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