Chapter Thirty-Two

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Walking through the compound, I found out, is a dangerous place. But I'm not afraid. Fear is just something your mind creates. None of the less, you still have fear. It's everyone's harmartia. It's inevitable. Something that can't be explained. Like why you cry when you're sad. When I was in school, once, we were looking up information about the human body. Our teacher found out that tears, release pressure is the eyes. And that's there's no explanation for why we cry when we're sad.

The world I used to think. Was peaceful, everyone was free. Then reality struck me. Hard. I wasn't free. No one was. Or is going to be. I was so determined to be free. When in the process I figured out. I can't be free. If I'm Divergent and they're scared, I'm never going to be free. I wanted to be like a Dauntless. To be like the illusion, that they were full of freedom, fearlessness, bravery. But I'm not sure they're really fearless. They just figured out how to control it. No one can be free from it. It's human nature.

"Carter!" yells someone from behind me.

"What?" I mumble. My gaze travels to the direction of the voice. Eric.

"Stay away from me! You monster!" I yell at him. I start running, in the direction of the department. Where they can take him away.

The moment I reach the department, I start to yell at them, "Arrest him!" Their heads jolt to me.

"Why should we?" they ask. Curiosity in their voices.

"He beat up, abused an innocent. And he kissed me against my will," I say calmly. Even though inside I feel like I'm screaming.

"Eric." They say. approaching us. "You're under arrest," they continue. Hand cuffing him.

I walk away quickly. He may have done shit to me. But I still hate people getting arresting. They lose the little freedom they have. To roam. Now, he may never be able to be free again. My conscience is conflicting. My Abnegation is telling to give in, to say they should arrest me. Even though that's kind of impossible.... My Dauntless is telling me. To go back and give him a lesson. To make him never mess with me again. To show him how strong I am. Then there's my Erudite, I don't exactly enjoy this part of me. In Abnegation we were taught to stay away from them. That they were corrupt. But this part tells me that, it's only logical he would be arrested and he should have been in the first place. This is something that I don't want to feel, not at all.

Well, this place is desolate, vaccant. No one around. I can't stay alone. I can't think about Edward. How Eric whipped him, destroyed him. He reminded me of Marcus, how he was so into hurting and abusing someone. How they, both alike, are monsters. They bring on someone else, hatred and they without hesitation, hurt and if they go to far can kill them. It sends shivers down my spine. It makes me feel the hot breath against my face. The feeling of the rough hands on my arm, squeezing it with so much pressure, it turned cold. The words of hatred that filled my ears. I was afraid and my bravery wasn't there. I felt like he had ripped off a mask. Then the lesson hit me. You can't possibly know someone until they rip off their mask. I think very few of us have no mask. We all seem to be more than we appear. Like many Erudite say, 'don't judge a book by its cover'. It makes sense. Some people can be very beautiful but is as cruel as a witch. I think everyone seems to be not what people see them to be. But something much more or less.

"Carter?" I jolt my head back. It's Tris.

"Yeah?" I mutter.

"You okay?" she asks.

"Not at all," I mumble.

"Then tell me what's wrong." She asks strong-willed.

"Eric whipped Edward." I say plainly.

"Is he okay?" she asks.

"Yeah, he's fine. Eric got arrested," I say.

"That's good. You wanna stay with me and Four tonight?" she asks.

"That sounds great," I reply and walk with her to the small apartment.

We walk down the hall, where I feel safe.

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