A soulmate would love their soulmate no matter what

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Dear Lena

Forget me. I want you to forget me and move on.

I truly love you and always will. I love you so much, that I would let you go...Because I want to save you from the pain, because you've gone through so much, that all you deserve is happiness and love. I want you to find someone you love and treat them like you treated me. I want you to get married and have family of your own, just what you wish for. I want you to find someone who will love you no matter what, that will find your imperfections perfect and that will fight for you and your love...So please forget me and move on...Please forget me.


I was in tears. Why would Kara leave me? Why would she want me to forget her? Did I do something? I thought Kara and I were really meant to be...Maybe soulmates, but not meant to be in each others arms. I really thought Kara would be the one, but maybe she wants to part ways...

But in my head, something was truly wrong that I have to know. Even though Kara would want me to move on, I want to know the reason why. So I called the only person who could help me: "Alex, Kara isn't her and something is wrong."


Kara's pov

I arrived on Earth-1 safely. I quickly changed into my super suit and flew to Gotham City. I knew that she was there and would be the only safe place for me, since nobody on my earth knew about Batwoman...I just needed a place where I can have time to think of this situation and someone who can really help me. Quickly, I landed into and empty alley and knew to which building I should go. A few minutes a stood in front of the known building of the dark knight, Wayne Enterprises. I entered the old building and was surprised that it has been more cleaned up, than the last time I was here. I super sped to the top floor and was 100% she would be there. When I entered the office of the CEO, there I saw the one and only Kate Kane doing some paperwork. "Kara?" Kate asked me in surprise as she looked up. "Kate, I need your help." I pleaded and she nodded, stood up from her chair and gave me a hug. "What's wrong?" She asked me concerned and I took a deep breath. "I'm pregnant..." And Kate's expression was...It was unreadable. "You're pregnant?" She asked and I nodded.

It was silent for a time, till she asked me: "How is that possible? I know you're together with Lena, so please tell me the truth." She calmly said, but I knew on the inside she was starting to blow up. "I know it sounds crazy, but I never cheated on Lena and never ever would. I was in panic when I took that test, when it showed positive. Believe me, I have also so many questions how it's even possible I got pregnant. But all I'm asking for is that you'll help me to find it out...That's all I'm asking for." I said, showing the test and tears started to build up in my eyes. Kate's face softened and she gave me another hug...I really needed a hug after all this stress. "I believe you and I'll help you figure this out." Kate said and gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze. "Thank you." I whispered and she gave a slight smile.

About an hour later we were at the Wayne Manor. "I'll bring you to the guest room." She said and I nodded. I followed her and she showed me a quite nice room. "You can stay here as long as you want, you're always welcome here." Kate said and I gave a silent 'thank you'. "Go get changed into something more comfortable, while I ask Alfred to cook you dinner." Kate said and I gave her a soft hug. She then left the room and I was left alone. I laid myself on the bed and started to think about Lena...I'm really sorry if I hurt her, I truly miss her kisses and hugs...All I wanted was t cuddle and watch movies with her, but Rao had some other plans for me.

I don't know how long I was lost in my thoughts, but I quickly got changed into a sweater and a pair of more comfortable jeans. And soon enough, Alfred called me for dinner, which a thanked him for...Hopefully I find a solution to this problem.

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