Chapter Fifty-Four

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The Downfall of Caelesti the Unknown

Magnum opus. Others associated it with art, literature, music, and regarded as the most important work by an artists or writer. A masterpiece, or so to say. But seeing the rush of bloodshed traced through the expressions on each of their faces, tuned against the sound of cries mixed of both survival and agony, painted over the storming wind scented with grudge and hatred, written so fast against what they call the course of time--and they would all go down in history in which countless of tales in different variations would arise to retell the exact events never actually knowing which is truth, becoming a legend that can only be reached back to its origin. I would say among all the things I have created, amongst the titles I am known and will be known for, this is mine.

Somewhere along those dark looming skies hid my creation, a monster borne out of the misery of my reality that no matter what the world would present me and no matter how much I despise it, I could never make myself act through vengeance and that's how Archnaél was born, the Seraph of Avengement. A warrior of all monsters, an angel of all demons, a seraph that will deliver my hatred against the world. At the moment, he's like a child waiting for his mother's order, but soon he will take things on his own matter. deliver my hatred against the world. He's up there, observing as I do, learning as he was created for, evolving as moments pass.

Emotions swirl like currents of invisible energy, traveling through the flows of the breeze, absorbed by my body and I could only sigh at the sight. There was that pleasure building up inside me at the thought of everything going accordingly to what I have seen. Would I finally be a full-pledged villain as they have been all claiming if I go on rampage at the moment? If I kill anyone here just by absorbing their emotions dry? Would I finally make peace with myself if I accept the fact that they will never see me as Ke'ala Feyree but Caelesti of the Unknown?

Pitiful. Beautiful things shrouded in a mess, an utter chaos turning them all like a bunch of animals fighting for survival. It doesn't even matter anymore which belief they fight for, all I see and all I feel are emotions telling me nothing matters the most but leaving their enemies dead on the ground with their own hands. How exhilarating. I wonder how all of this would end. Would it end with all their deaths blamed on me, or would it end with my death cast on theirs?

I smiled, it was a genuine one that nobody would think so nonetheless. Along with that expression was a lift of my hand, energy wrapped around it which eventually travelled like rushing water to the ground. I had always loved the sensation of my own energy dominating anybody else, it brought me absolute comfort and a soothingly rejuvenating feeling that I could only wonder when it started, when did I actually start loving it when all I did growing up as a child was hating the feeling of it. I realized I might have been too blinded by the pain it used to bring that I ignored how good it actually felt.

But seeing the land in front of split open, watching their faces turn into confusion and horror, and hearing them cry in shock as monsters slowly creep out from the craters on the ground made me forget all of those thoughts. My energy was working too well that it felt as though I could do anything I want. I could feel the power they've all feared reigning perfectly in my body. Can they even stop me? At this point, I have already reached a decision that no matter what their prejudices are against me, I will no longer be swayed.

If they call me twisted, then so be it. If they call me evil, I'll gladly become one. If they call me a monster, I'll even flaunt it open to the rest of the world. Thinking the miseries and suffering I have been through all these eighteen years of my life all for the sake of becoming the world's enemy so that it could be saved from destruction. Rather than them all fighting amongst themselves and bring endless wars that would result upon this world's destruction, I was fated to become the stop of it all by making them all unite against me. If they can't stop me, then the world will fall into ruins, if they manage to do so...I will simply perish leaving this cruel world behind with satisfaction.

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