Against The Twists Of Fate

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The skies lit up brightly the moment my foot reached inside the ruins. Ancient languages—barely visible—were carved detailedly upon the rustic walls. The ground beneath was soft, as though any moment it will break, reason for my light footsteps.

It was around the time where the sun was just starting to rise up, and about more than twenty minutes since we walked towards this place. And yet, sweat was running down my forehead as though I ran quite a few distance. Caelesti was perfectly fine as usual, unlike my panting breath paving away, she was composed—if she was normal person, I'd even say she's determined.

But then again, she held no such emotion. Perhaps she sometimes did, but it would not matter for she'd obliterate her own unnecessary emotion in an instance. She looked almost blankly at the marvelous views invading our sights. This whole place just screams history—something I'm about to know.

The whole place wasn't a whole, I knew that much

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The whole place wasn't a whole, I knew that much. But I couldn't helped but think how beautiful this building would have had if it wasn't ruined. This place looked like one of those ancient Egyptian tombs I once saw in one of the books on Caelesti's shelves back in the house.

When we reached out unto the open, I could clearly see the sun rising on the distance, the light it was giving was highlighting the dusts everywhere. On the front, there was a mini-stage that I would have to reach by going the stairs, oh and crossing the small canal filled with water too.

Jumping across the canal with Caelesti leading the way, I stopped just before my foot could land on the stairs. I was looking at her figure standing on the middle and from where she stood, I was so sure she could see the view from the outside below. This ruin was more of like placed atop of a cliff. A pigeon circled above too, and I guess the sun was high enough to illuminate everything.

I was aware she was relieving an event from a far off memory, perhaps memories of her past that I will soon get to know or there's that option that I could never. I was having a dilemma, that sort of feeling which surges inside me, thinking how I could reach her at this very moment with just an extend of an arm--or two--but I was too scared to do so.

"You're my death."

It had been roughly almost a week ever since that night happened. I'm not even sure if I was still the same me after I heard those words. They echo through the back of my mind whenever I meet her gaze. Just like how she meets mine right now. It was as though I was being burned alive by those eyes, despite them having no emotions somehow there were instances where she looks at me with concern, or was I perhaps imagining?

There was no reason for her to lie to me, but I couldn't believe her words. I thrive to protect her, not to kill her. Just the thought alone is impossible in the first place. This undeniable sense that I must protect her at all cost still lives within me, so how could I even begin to hurt her?

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