the devil has my thoughts

Start from the beginning

You quickly got up after him and pinned him after a lot of resilience. His eyes looked blue. What the fuck? Is this Kio or Noah? "Um, excuse me?"


"Who the fuck are you?"

"Are you alright? Did you hit your head or something?"

"Why are your eyes blue?"

"They're not." He straightened up, moving you to the side as he walked to the closet that's now filled with mens clothing. He really took everything. "Look at them again" he's right, they weren't blue this time but there's no way something wasn't up. You decided th you needed a hot shower after this long ass day and took off your clothes, Kio would never leave you alone if you were naked around him. Just as you were about to unclasp your bra his hand rushes to stop yours.

"Why?" You asked him suspiciously.

"Uh- I just have a lot to do today." He cleared his throat. The hand on your waist tightened as he let go of your bra. Very fucking interesting.

"Right, well i was just going to take a shower- and if you don't mind- I'd love it if you moved out, Noah." His eyes turned blue again before he covered his mouth and backed away slightly.

"How'd you know?"

"You boys are messing with the wrong bitch." You decided that it was time to be the hero of your own story- but that may require sucking Kio's dick in order to gain a little more freedom or at least a bit of information to start off with. You threw fake Kio some clothes before walking into your shower.

You decided to summon yourself some did have manifesting powers, me that as well put them to good use. After finishing up in your my h needed shower you got out to see Mattia laying comfortably in your bed.

"Did you summon me?" He winked. You looked him up and down and just smiled.


"Come here and get what you've been missing baby girl." You slowly but surely walked over to him before climbing onto the bed then onto his lap. He was wearing a green shirt and jeans that were eventually gonna end up in the floor.

You rested your hands on his chest before leaning in to kiss him. He put his right hand on your waist before hoisting you up, moving your hips slowly against his. He's so hot. His smile, his scent. Even his words. You pulled up his shirt and ripped it off of him before pushing him down further. You haven't gotten good dick in ages and it was time to live out your fantasies.

You trailed kisses down his sculpted chest till just above his belt buckle. He must've been working out because his body seems so different. His slight moans at everything you do turned you on, made you feel hot and ready for this sexy man in front of you. You slowly undid his belt, making sure to graze his dick whilst you made innocent fuck me eyes. After pulling his pants down your mouth almost watered at its size. Was it always this big? You held the erect mother fucker gently before licking it from the bottom up and giving it a sweet yet wet kiss at the top. You didn't know a man could be that hard, Mattia of all people at least. He was always so dominant and never let you take control. This Mattia was so different yet everything felt comfortable. You spat in your palms before going back and slowly rubbing his fat lengthy dick. His moans got louder as his hands made their way to your hair, holding it away from your face, pulling it back ever so slightly. You began sucking, making his legs tense and tighten the grip on your hair. Although you were enjoying yourself and obviously he was too, something about this very gentle and easy- going Mattia feels off. You don't mind it but people don't change that quickly. You suddenly remembered Kio. KIo, Kio, Kio. For fucks sake. What's his name doing on your mind now? You felt Mattia cum in your mouth, you swallowed it before he pulled you up to face him.

*I think I should repay the pleasure, don't you think?" He smiled, you just nodded before he pushed you down on to the bed. Since you were already naked he didn't have to do much. He trailed his fingers up and down your whole body before stopping at your wet vagina. His other hand rested on your chest as he began caressing you before giving you a soft and passionate kiss. One finger, two fingers, three... Mattia had the best pace, the best rythem. As his fingers went to work, his mouth placed kisses all over your breasts before giving you a small bite. It sent good shivers up and down your body. He made you lose control, your moans filled the room before before you felt yourself cum. He trailed bites and kisses up to your lips before it turned into a heated makeout session. His mouth was just so nice, warm, and delicious. You just kept wanting more. You can't believe you were distracted for so long by all these other boys. You pulled him closer to your body, initiating another round before a loud yet non-aggressive knock interrupted the two of you. You ignored it at first but after the fourth time you just felt irritated.

"Who the fuck would it be?" You asked but Mattia just looked clueless with a fucking boner.

"Let's check together, just in case" he followed after you, throwing a robe your way. You caught it and quickly covered up, not that you'd usually care, but just in case. Just as you opened the door you noticed the two infamous brothers and quickly closed the door again.

"Run. Run before your die" you whisper shouted at him. He just looked confused but quickly grabbed his pants anyways.

"Manifest me out. Put me in Kairi's bed" you just imagined Kairi's old house and placed him there before you went back to open the door.

"What took you so long, wife." Kio's eyes were red but not with anger, just some demon shit.

"Smells like sex" Anthony smiled, his eyes were blue rather than red. Alright so maybe Kio was angry. You just opened the door to let them in but they just stood at the entrance.

"What now? I let you guys in last time, so you should be able to enter."

"You're back on earth as one of the most powerful beings in all realms. You think we can just enter your house again without permission or manifestation?" Kio's attitude wasn't appreciated but you let it go regardless, you did just technically sleep with someone else. In your defence you never agreed to marriage.

"But in the underworld you guys came in and out of my shit like it was nothing." Anthony laughed at the way you worded that before answering you.

"Well we let you out for a few days and you ran off to heaven or at least its waiting room. Just being there allowed you access to all your powers."

"You're lucky you're so called father didn't kill you before you got them" Kio sighed. "Whatever, for everyone's safety I think we should chill at my place."

"Without us?" Just then both Zack and Troy were standing there with alcohol. Who the fuck is just letting demons out of hell?

please me; kiocyr, vhacker,Where stories live. Discover now