ZhiMing: (glaring at me) Are you here to tell me to replace her?

Score! He finally speaks. But I held on from celebrating.

Me: (snickering) No. Actually, I forbid you to adopt any of the animal you will see in that shelter. You are in no shape to care for another creature. Looking at you now, I can see that you barely take care of yourself.

I mean, ZhiMing still looks clean and presentable. Its not like he looks bedraggled or dirty. He just looks...miserable. Inanimated. Almost...lifeless. Which is scary because he is still alive.

Physically, he might look fine but he is struggling to cope and I'm not blaming him for that...but I will sure blame his friends outside and myself if we won't do anything to help him get a hold of himself.

ZhiMing: I am mourning.

Me: (nodding) Yeah. Okay. You are mourning. I can see that. Go on. Mourn. But...then I remember...taking care of Miss Daisy, keeping her in comfortable luxury, must be expensive. I realized, aside from gaining more time since she is dead now, you also would save money because you are not spending them anymore on her. I am after your money.

ZhiMing gave me a shocked look. I smiled at him.

Me: You see, rescuing and taking care of animals in the shelter require fundings. You have money, you can give some to those animals. You can write me a cheque to give it to them, that'll be fine. Just write me a cheque and I will let you get back to (waving my arm at the window) sightseeing? I guess...is that what you were doing? Sightseeing the scene outside your window.

ZhiMing: (eyes narrowing) I am sitting by the window because if I sit on the balcony of this room, I might jump from it.

Me: Which might not kill you.  I mean, you live in a two storey house. If you will jump from our balcony, we live in the 32nd floor, that might do the job if the job you want to do is join Miss Daisy on the great beyond. But here, you might crack some bones but unless you deliberately try to crack your head, you won't die. At least not instantly.

ZhiMing: (bitterly) What a charming conversation we are having.

Me: (nodding) I know. But you started this suicide part of our conversation so...its all on you. Now, about that cheque...

ZhiMing: (looking away from me) I won't give you money, Dayu ah.

Me: Oh. Why not? You have plenty and its not like Miss Daisy is here for you to spend your money on her...

ZhiMing: (outrage) Stop telling me that she is dead! Stop it! STOP!

Me: But she is dead. What do you want from me...lie to you about her being gone? For fuck's sake ZhiMing, you are holding an urn with her ashes in it.

ZhiMing: (tears on his eyes) I know that she is dead. I know that! That's why I am devastated. That's why I am crying every fifteen minutes. That's why I feel empty inside. I know she is gone and I want you all to leave me alone to mourn her.

Me: Does mourning her means you trying your best to push people who cares about you away and you following her to the afterlife? Because if that is the case...well, I'm sorry I cannot leave you to do that.

ZhiMing closed his eyes in frustration.

ZhiMing: Why can't you all just leave me alone? Why...are you all doing this to me? Why?! I have to do this by myself. Leave me alone.

Me: I don't know about the others but I am here because of your money. I told you, I need that to help fund the shelter. You want me to leave you alone...write me that cheque. And make it a generous sum please.

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