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‘Hey, what are you doing down here?’ I asked Desmond.

I went down to where the beach is located. I visited the washroom and I met him sitting on one of the lover’s beach at the beach looking at the water, so I approached him.

Moreover, we were away from our mates so it was the best chance to have a chat.

‘I came down to answer a call and I decided to sit here for a while.’ He told me.

I went to sit down but then he shifted so I sat on one of his lap.

‘You’re going to hurt yourself why did you do that? You can’t carry my weight.’ I told him trying to get up and sit on the beach but he pushed me to settle on both laps.

‘My intention is for you to sit on me, so why do you want to get up from my laps?’ he told me as he pulled me closer to him.

I stayed there in his arms for some time, we spoke about what the guy said and we both laughed. But somewhere within the laughter, Desmond stopped laughing and I turned around to find out why, only to see him looking at me.

I didn’t know what happened but then his lips was on mine and I didn’t feel like pulling away. I was on his laps and we were kissing.

‘Rinnng, rinnngg, rinnnggg’ the sound of my phone going off made us pull apart. I pulled out my phone from my pocket to see Larry’s name on it. So I answered it.

‘Hello’ I said into the phone.

‘Where are you? Look for Desmond he’s not here and you’re also not here. It’s getting late so look for him so that we can go home.’ He told me from the other side.

I told Desmond that we have to go and that our mates are looking for us. He was feeling reluctant and I had to pull him up. He was complaining like a child that Larry has spoilt our moment.

‘Natalie wait, let’s wait for a while before we go.’ He told me pulling me back.

When I came to his side, he pushed me against the wall closest to me and crashed his lip against mine again.

When my phone rang again, I pulled away and it was Larry calling again. Desmond told me not to answer and he went back to working with his lips.
After a while, we pulled apart.

‘Natalie, please give me another chance, I swear I’m not going to hurt you and even if I do, it won’t be for any of those reasons I did previously. At the time, I was young and I didn’t know what I was doing. Please give me another chance.’ He told me looking hopeful.

‘I’m sorry Darling, I’m dating someone else.’ I told him shattering his hope.

‘Why can’t you be with me? Is it because of what people will say?’ he asked me passing his hand through his hair. A sign that shows he is frustrated.

‘Yes’ I answered nodding my head.

He paced back and forth for some time, after, he called me and we went to meet our mates.

When we got to the car, there was tension between us. They left a space for Desmond beside me but he swapped with someone else.

I know I’ve hurt his feeling but there’s nothing we both can do about it. Things happened and it has lead us here so we have to embrace what life has for us and move on.

Anything gold

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