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With all the things that happened, I have grown to become someone I wasn't. I just wanted to make him feel the pains that I go through but in those times too, he didn't come home early.

I now have a cell phone, immediately it was bought for me, I called him first but it didn't go through.

Later in the day, I called again and it went through we spoke for some time and he told me he'll be home the next week. I didn't talk about the school issue because I want to put it in the past.

'Hi Natalie, it's been a while, I didn't hear from you the last time you left this place.' Lilly said immediately she opened her door and saw my face.

'Yes, I told you I was going to school the following week have you forgotten?' I asked her.

'Oh, yes. Come in though.' She invited me in.

'Thank you.'

'Have a seat, did you bring any story books from school? I mean I'm done reading the ones you brought the last time.' She asked.

'Yes but it's at home, if you want that one, give me the one with you, you should return it for a different one.'

'Okay, I'm bringing it.' She said while moving to her room to bring the book.

Rinngggggg, rinnggggg 'Lilly, you have a call.' I called out to her when her phone rang.

'Who's that?' she answered back.
'Diddy' I called to her, focusing on my phone because the called ended.

After some time, the call came again. I called her and she asked me not to answer. But when she got there, her phone was in my hands because I took it to send it to her. So she met me at the door with her phone.

'Did you answer the call?' I heard her ask me after she came to back from answering the call.

'No I was bringing the phone to you because it kept on ringing and that's when I meet you at the gate.' I told her.

We chatted away for some time then she asked me if Dee has called me. I told her that I spoke to him before coming to her place.

'Okay, he was the one who called, he told me he's travelling then meaning he's told you right?' she told and asked at the same time.

'Travelling?' I asked confused. I didn't know what to think of it but then again, he's done it before and he can do it again.

No, I need to reframe my statement, he's done it before and he's doing it again. I'm even having a cell phone now so what's the excuse to give for such a behavior?

I changed the topic because I didn't want her to know that I was hurt. I just couldn't understand because I didn't know that they were on nicknames basis.

Even after changing the topic, she managed to bring him back into our conversation and that was how I found out that some time ago, she met him at the station when he was travelling.

She says that he called her but she didn't answer and that she went to the market and met him coincidentally at the station. As to whether it is true or not, only God knows that answer.

I was just disappointed that Desmond Darling has done it again and this time, it hurts ten times worse than the previous ones because I wasn't expecting it to get to this stage.

From that day onwards, I decided to be expectant of anything and from anyone, because the people I call friends even don't think twice about stabbing me in the back. After confirming that indeed he has travelled again without telling me, I decided to become who he wants me to be.

That day was the beginning of the bad days in my life and relationship apart from the day my mother passed away.

Anything gold

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