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'Natalie, wait for me so that we go home together ok.' Sherry said to me, apparently, she uses the same route we use when going home. 'Ok' I answered confused as to why she asked me to wait for her. It was later that I realized it was because of Desmond.

For some time now, Desmond has been going home with me, because she wanted to spend more time with him, so she decided to join us.

I didn't have a problem with her though. It was Dee that I was disappointed in but I didn't let him know. I had to pretend I don't know what was going on between him and Sherry. It was painful but I had to do that.

'Natalie, let's go I'm ready.' Sherry came to call me from the classroom.

'I'm a bit busy so you can go ahead I'll come.' I told her.

'Where is Desmond? Did he go with his mom? She asked

'I don't know but he might be around' I answered her. She went out of the classroom an Desmond entered, he gave me a kiss on my cheeks.

'I thought you left, Sherry was looking for you.' I told him.

'Why would I leave you, my mom came so I told her to go and that I'll be coming with you.' he told me, deliberately ignoring the statement about Sherry. I decided not to pry further so I also behaved as if I hadn't caught on.

After some time, I was done with what I was doing and we all set off to go home, including Sherry.

On the way home, she started a conversation with me about Desmond, but I also didn't encourage her with that conversation because I wasn't feeling comfortable having a conversation about my boyfriend with the girl he's cheating on with.

I realized Desmond wasn't feeling comfortable with the way Sherry was being friendly with me. He tried to get me for himself but Larry and Olsen kept him occupied.

'What did Sherry tell you?' Dee asked me when we were alone.

'Nothing just some girl stuff, why are you asking? Is there a problem?

'No there isn't any problem but I just wanted to know because you're not really friendly with people so I was surprised you were talking with her.' he ranted on.

'Ok' I laughed it off and changed the topic with a hope that he'll change.

From that day, Sherry always goes home with us. Sometimes, she flirts with Desmond and while doing that, she'll be looking at me. Whenever she does that, Larry and Olsen starts a conversation with me so that it takes my attention from them.

On the days that Dee doesn't come to school, I feel really lonely because he's been sitting beside me since our second year of Junior high school and today was one of them.

Whenever he is not around, the guys who are also interested in me come to take his seat and tries flirting with me, but I find myself not paying attention to them because I'm thinking about a certain someone.

Today, some of the girls in my class told me something which I'm refusing to believe but the guys and some of Desmond's friends told me same thing.

Apparently, he was seeing two of my friends, one which I have refused to believe and the other I'm surprised. He went to see one, I learnt she called him that her mom isn't home so he should come, and he went to see her.

The girl Pascalin says that nothing happened between them. I'm very hurt though. I told myself that I will only believe what Desmond tells me about that issue.

When we were going home, Larry stopped me Midway through the walk home. 'Nat, Darling is my friend and you're also my friend, I can't stay back and watch you suffer even though you're good at hiding it. To save yourself from all this trouble, end your relationship with him. It's not that I'm jealous but there are many people who admire you and will treat you better. Listen to me as a brother.' he said to me.

'Don't worry Larry, he'll change.' I told him. He only shook his head and looked away from me.

I wish I had listened to him that day.

Anything gold.

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