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I went to school without seeing him. In school, I decided to forget about him and focus on my books. After some weeks in school, I had a letter from him.

It was a birthday letter because it was my birthday. I didn't open the letter even though my friends were all over me to see what was in the letter.

I waited till late at night after evening preps to open the letter and have a look at it. I was scared to see what was written in the paper.

I held the paper for almost 10minutes, 'It's just a piece of paper girl, just open it have a look. It's not like the paper will eat you up.' I said to myself while holding the paper.
Finally, after debating for like 5 more minutes, I gathered courage to open the paper and read what was inside.

"Dear Natalie,
It's been a while since I saw you and I already feel like it's been years. I know I couldn't see you during the last holidays and I'm sorry for that.
It's your birthday again, how I wish I was there with you to celebrate this day together. Even though I'm not with you, you're still in my heart and I always remember you.
P .S: Even though we're far apart, you're still close to my heart.
Love Darling."

After reading those words, I was in tears. I didn't know what to believe anymore. I didn't know if I should believe what I've witnessed and heard or I should believe this letter that he has written to me.

For me, the fact that he remembers my birth date is enough. It tells that he still remembers me. In one way or the other, I believe there is a part of him that still remember me, and for that, I am happy with it at the moment.

'Natalie, what's in that letter that you've been hiding from us since afternoon?' Nancy my side bedder asked me.

'It's nothing, just a letter from Desmond' I told her handing the letter to her.

'You can read it.'
She was quiet the whole time when reading it. After a while, I heard an "aww" from her.

'What's wrong? Hope everything is alright?' I asked her pretending I don't know she's behaving that way because of the letter.

'Interesting, so what are you going to do now? You know about all that has happened and those pains that he gave you. Which one are you going to believe now?' she asked.

'I don't know yet but maybe a second chance is a better option, I will just wait to see what happens this vacation. I just hope this one would be better than the last one.' I told her.

Actually, I hope things become better between us, because I'm hurting too much.
Anything gold

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