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Senior high School began sooner than I thought. I was so happy that I have left home for some time because, I would be free from some mal-treatment for some time. I was also sad because Desmond wasn’t around. I wouldn’t be seeing him anytime soon and he might even forget me anytime soon which I pray he doesn’t.

I meet some of my mates from junior high school there in the school I was admitted in. Vivian was a friend of mine was also admitted in the same school as me.

One day we were going to the dining room with her friends when she spoke ‘so you’re still with Darling, look at you, look at how beautiful you are, you have big butts and breasts and yet you want to give it to that small boy who doesn’t even treat you right.’

‘Is she going out with a small boy?’ her friends asked

‘Yes, she is.’

‘No, I’m not. He’s not a small boy it’s just that I was a bit taller than him in school but the last time I saw him, he was the same height as me.’ I told them.

‘Exactly why I say he’s a small boy and he doesn’t even remain faithful to you whereas you are so faithful to him even though you know that he cheats on you with your own friends’ she added.

‘Ah Natalie, you can do better than him, leave him if he isn’t treating you right. He’s also a small boy as Vivian said so go for someone older than you not your age mate’. One of her friends added.

‘It’s okay lets please change the topic’ I told them and we continued with our walk to the dining room. I didn’t take their talk seriously at the time, but at times I wish I had.

There were times that Vivian sees me and she’ll be making fun of me that I’m going out with a small boy. I would laugh it off and tell her that she also did same and she would chase after me around the compound trying to put her anger on me.

Apparently, she was also dating one of Desmond’s friend but the guy broke up with her after junior high school because he has got another lady. That was why she was annoyed because the pain is still fresh to her. This is why she has been telling to break up with Desmond.

She’s like a sister to me so I know the pain she went through when the guy broke up with her. Lilly was with her that day so she called me to tell me about what has happened and I wanted to beat the guy to pulp because I used to go to pre-shs class with the guy and I saw him with a particular girl, I wanted to tell Vivian but I spoke to the guy.

‘She is just a friend, do you think I’ll leave Vivian for this girl?’ he told me when I approached him about the girl.

‘Hm, if I see that things are going further between the girl and you, I’ll tell Vivian about it.’ I told him.

‘Please don’t do that, you know I love her so much, if she also finds out, she’ll be very hurt and I don’t want that to happen.’ He said.

Because of this, I couldn’t tell her because I knew how hurt she would be. Each morning in class, the guy would ask me

‘Hope you’ve not told her?’ with his face fallen from sadness which I don’t know if he was faking it or he was real. Something only he can answer.

I feel so bad that I didn’t tell her because after I asked of the name of the girl the guy is now going out with, she was the same person that he asked me not to tell my friend about.

‘Vivian, sorry because I was part that you got broken hearted, if I had told you earlier, you wouldn’t have suffered, you would have been expecting it. I’m very sorry okay.’ I told her after I had finished telling about what I saw during the pre-shs class and how he asked me not to tell her.

Initially, she was angry at me for listening to the guy, but later on, she apologized and told me not to worry and that it wasn’t my story to tell.

At times, I feel bad though for listening to him and keeping it from her, but as she said, it wasn’t my story to tell.

The book has been published and will be out soon. Definitely, after the corona pandemic and all the chaos it comes along with God willing it'll be ready for sale. I'll update you when it's ready. Thank you all.

Anything gold

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