That poor girl cannot catch a break! Sighs Mom sympathetically. You made the right choice to leave the room Kellen. I think you will have to fight your wolf and be a man, not an animal. Anastasia's in a very fragile place, she just lost her father and now she's in heat which will make her a slave to her wolf's nature. She won't have much control over her instincts and the side effects of heat will be extreme, especially with a royal as her mate.

My head swims, clouded by lust, desire and confusion. My human nature fighting my werewolf one. I don't follow. I return with some difficulty.

Dad replies this time, sensing my trouble. As Royals our bloodline is stronger than the average wolf, every aspect of our being is amplified to make us the strongest breed. The need to mate will only get stronger the longer she's in heat, and as your mate she will feel the effects twice as much.

Also, begins Mom, the longer it takes you to mate with her, the worse it will get for both of you. Your instincts will cripple you, unfortunately this is the one aspect of our everyday lives that cannot be compromised to the wolf. It is integrated into our existence.

My blood slowly begins to boil. My hormonal senses overpowering me, my very absence from Ana in heat feels like a crime against nature. The door from the stairs opens and out walks Ana's Beta Rick. He nods but says nothing as he leaves.

I don't want Ana to mate with me unwillingly. I don't want it to be because she has to, but because she wants to. I tell them, digging my claws into Ana's desk as I fight my urges to run down the stairs and become the beast Ana is expecting.

A touching sentiment, son, but our wolves are not sentimental creatures they are instinctual ones. If you want it to be a romantic experience, make it sooner rather than later. Before you both lose a choice in the matter. Returns Dad, his tone matter of fact, his sympathy lurking. After both wishing me luck, they disengage and I'm left to my own thoughts, soaking in desire.

The door to the stairs opens again and this time the girl from earlier, Chanel, walks out and politely curtsies as she passes.  That means Ana is now alone... I push back all the thoughts and needs presented by the thought and focus on how best to handle this situation. Staying away from Ana is out of the question, maybe I should just go down there and make my intentions clear? Seems a good plan and it's the only one I've got.

Taking a deep breath, I open the door to the stairs, only to regret the move as Ana's intoxicating scent hits me square in the face.

I steady myself against the wall. Every cell in my body screams to phase and claim my mate, I bite my knuckle against the pain of resisting my wolf's strength and the need to howl. Ana's scent is the match to the petrol of my blood, setting me alight and drenching me in sweat. I stumble my way down the rest of the stairs.

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