Chapter 18-Heartbreaks+Setbacks

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WARNING: This chapter includes depictions of physical violence that some may be offended by or deem inappropriate. Continue at your own discretion.

The moment comes to a complete stop. I watch her hands cover her face as I step back and run my own hands over the stinging broken skin on my face. All the sleepless nights, work , and what Cherish had told me .. it all contributed to this mounting anger that I can't control . I don't want to control it.

She writhes in pain and I can see the swelling as she repeats " You crazy son of a bitch." In disbelief .

I snap and don't realize that I'm moving  forward towards her as she backs up making her way away from me swiftly. All sorts of words come into my head, but I can't express them.It just keeps circling around in my mind ; she had been with this piece of shit that didn't deserve her and had his  hands all over what was mine . I feel like I've fallen in love with who I thought she was and not actually her , kissing a stranger this whole time and that's what infuriates me more than anything else .

I throw aside the kitchen chairs like their nothing as she run circles around the table trying to get away from me .

" What the fuck is wrong with you?! .Stop ! ." she yells as she goes for the glass bowl on the table , grabbing the pieces of fruit from it . Sweat pours into the dried blood on my face as i still charge her and she begins to throw at me ,the hard fruit landing into my chest and stomach .

I don't even feel the next piece that hits me , dazing me for a brief second but not stopping me from charging toward her . Harder my chest thumps as I get close enough to grab her by her collar but she turns and digs her nails again this time into my eyes and stuns me as I grab her hair and pull it hard as she falls back and crawls still away and out the open garage door .

Slamming the door she locks it but it's not enough to stop me . I grab ahold of the knob and twist it as hard as I can and the nails pop out of place and the knob falls. She's hits the button to open the garage and I get out there just in time to see her get into her car .

I've never seen her so afraid as I grab the filled blue trash can and throw it into the hood of her car as she screams " STOP IT!."

" YOU LIED TO ME  !." I finally yell over the engine and I pound my fists into the car hood putting a couple solid dents into it .

I realize that she's left the car window open and I run over to it and stick my hand in but she begins to roll the window up leaving my hand wedged in between as I push down into the glass and it slowly lowers but then it jams as she continues to press the up button.

" You've lost your damn mind! What are you talking about ?."

" you were 15 FUCKING A GROWN MAN ! . Who was he ?." I say and now kick her car door and dent it  .

I continue ." I FIND OUT from your mother you're screwing guys at school ? get out of the car Charlotte !."

The stuck look on her face halts as she finally realizes what I'm taking about.

" Are you fucking serious right now?! This is why you're going crazy ?!  You don't even come ask me about it ? I got kicked out of school for making out , not screwing him.! Of course she thinks I'm lying because she never believed anything I said , even when the proof was right there in her damn face .The other guy was buying me stuff and letting me sleep at his house because he felt bad for me . I never let him do anything . I swear on my life that's all that happened ."

I rub at my face frantically trying to understand what she just said , wanting to believe her, but feeling like I can't trust her even still .

"So you go and see some nasty ass chick you use to mess with and have her show up to what was supposed to be my big day and basically ruin it and THEN you put your hands on me because of some ancient shit my creep ass mama told you that happened years ago?!.. I'm pregnant and you hit me you asshole.!" She says so quickly that she has to catch her breath .

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