Chapter5- See you soon

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I had been awake for hours with the dull pain at my side..just watching. The burst of clouds placed in front of me hang low and grey .That moment right before the sun came up was my favorite because it was quick . I'd take my focus off of it for one second , and then that familiar blue would ascend .

I look out and see mah at work cooking up something at the little park grill . She thinks she's slick sneaking out at 6 am with her little duffle bag. I had kept my eyes watching her the entire time she was away getting cleaned up . She seems happy as she piles the eggs and toast onto the plate .

It strikes me as sad a little because i feel like she had slept outside before . With all the shit I've been through,being in juvie,no parents , turning to the streets i feel like her narrative is sadder . I had seen what this life could do to a beautiful girl and i just don't want that for her .

The innocence that I could see in her smile , I want her to keep that. She was different ,delicate.When i say delicate i don't mean like she needs to be treated gently , but like the way she is makes me want to protect her . She needs to know that because of her life and who people think she is that she was still so unique and special and that no one else was like her.

Here she comes so i hide my head underneath the blanket .

" time to get up enz , we need to get this Tylenol and food in you ."
She doesn't ask or wait but pulls the blanket off and starts cutting the eggs .
" okay here, start eating ."
" you serious ?."
"...i am .You can't take the medicine on a empty stomach ."
" no oatmeal this morning ?" I joke as i slowly pop the two pills in my mouth and chase it with water.

"If you don't eat,I'm gonna make some and put something really wild in it like raisins ."
She say rolling her eyes and giving me that look when she's half joking and half not and i laugh.
" can i ask you something ?." her tone is not so playful and she puts her hand on my wrist .

" go ahead ."

" what did you do last night back at the house? And don't give me that nothing shit because he wasn't going to just stab you for nothing ."

she hadn't said anything lastnight so i wasn't expecting to have this conversation. I grab my last cigarette and light it while looking at her while she awaits a explanation .

"He grabbed me so i had to handle it. His arm was hanging like it was broke and his face was messed up . Then what's her name came in and i had hit her. "

" i knew it . When you went back in i had a feeling something would go down .. what do we do now ? If he reports what happened their gonna come looking for me ."

" after all the shit I've seen in that house ? He's not going to say a word . He has to just take the ass beating . I just need to work a little today and then we drive to Summerville and we can get a apartment ."

" i hope you're right about all this  ." She says looking over still trying to push the eggs on me.

"  . We're out of here . Just give me until tonight..Hold on , someone's paging me now .. "
I step out the car slowly , still sore and stiff . I pull out my phone and tell my regular to come through and get what he needs and
I get myself together and make mah promise me that she'll stay back in the car . She only agrees to stay back if we can go to get burgers later . Damn extortionist .

I drive to my spot and hand off the package while mah stays parked right in front of me .She's sitting with her feet up in the dash board playing the radio . She looks out the window every few minutes .

I had this unsettling feeling this morning ,the kind when something bad pops into your head but then you brush it off as negativity . Well it happens again while I'm standing out here and this time it's hard to ignore . I'm trying to shake the feeling when i hear the sound of footsteps rounding the corner .
" Regio." He says as he walks up and i shake my head.

And then there was us ( Chris Evans as Male Character ) Where stories live. Discover now