Chapter 9-The panties

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I can hear him say "seven tonight at il Casale.. meet me there my angel ." as I fall back to sleep and he leaves.

He knows me so well because when i finally wake up he's written the info on a napkin . Bless his heart .

Time had made some things easier while others seemed to get more complicated. Our relationship has blossomed into something so deep.I had told him i loved him one day and he replied " i feel the same way, but i want my actions toward you everyday to reveal that ."
Needless to say the words " i love you ." Haven't been said much between us , but we manage to communicate it in so many ways.

I had sailed into 18 quickly with some gradual changes like the nose ring and belly button piercing.

I managed to get a legit job at a little shop up town selling clothes and weed, the weed thing being my little side hustle . I had never really felt like a child because i raised myself ,so i was enjoying official womanhood.

Enzo , who i call Vince now , is where the complication comes in . I've watched him physically transition into a full fledged man and have enjoyed going with him to the tattoo parlor to get his chest and back plastered with tattoos . He won't even let me hold his hand when he gets them because he tells me it looks weak. He still lavishes me with his attention , but as of late he's become severely protective of our relationship and myself . He recently started work with what he calls a crew and he told me he's a soldato. When I told him that i had no idea what the hell that was he told me that he collects debt for his boss .

He told me that they like the way that he gets things done . It sounded so foreign to me , this world he was becoming a part of , but I'm happy that he at least is being open.The only thing that bothers me is that he's always gone. My heart says to trust him, but I keep having a reoccurring thought that he's keeping something from me .

As i sit realizing that I've been waiting 20 minutes for him in the crowded restaurant I create a whole scenario in my head of him being with another woman , one in particular . That he tells her all the same things he tells me . .. let me ever find out that she's still around somewhere ..

I spot him hurrying in with the a grimacing scowl on his face . We look like we're complete opposites with me in my simple black dress that sits comfortably above my knee,and him in a backwards cap, jeans, and a close fitted black thermal .That's my man .

He greets me with a little peck on the cheek and i watch the small group of spectators begin to whisper and give us looks . This wasn't the first time that we had got gawked at,but it was probably the most uncomfortable . Normally when it would happen Vince would tell me that it was because i was the most beautiful thing in the room . Judging from the looks on their face , i hardly think that's the case here . Vince seems oblivious as he sits down .

" you look good ." He reminds me as he nods his head in appreciation of my effort.

" oh and before you say it , i know I'm late . Sorry."

" why are you late anyway ?." I ask him before i have time to really think about what I'm saying .He looks annoyed as he mumbles something to himself .i hadn't said it to create conflict , but clearly that's how he's taking it .

" i just want to make tonight special can you at least let me do that ? ." He asks me before snatching the menu .

There goes that troubling feeling again. Until i know for sure I'll just have to play nice. One thing I've picked up in our nearly 3 year relationship was how to choose my battles .

" well it definitely smells good ." I saying trying to steer the conversation in another direction .

" yeah I'm hungry. Hey come here ." He says aggressively as he motions for the waiter who looks horrified . I won't say I'm embarrassed, but it is a little comical watching this little guy sweat as Vince bosses him around .

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