Chapter 31- The hard

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Its the dead of night . I speak into the phone and make sure to remind Garcia not to allow him to sleep and insist that he reapply the super glue to his eyelids to make sure that he stays awake . He still won't give up D'Adamo and so we've had him harnessed up and tortured for the past 2 days . Garcia tells me that he's not sure he has two days left in him after the cigarette burns and beatings he's taken . "Then maybe he should tell you where he is huh." I say sarcastically.

"His fingers, Break em' . Start with the thumbs. Call me when their all broke." I tell Garcia next and then hang up .

Im in the center of the chill of night as I stomp across the concrete because I can't sleep. True to her word Mah had cleared the house of anything that threatened my sobriety, even the fucking cough syrup . My hands sweat and my neck twitches which means I'm completely dried out , the high that I had depended on completely gone out of my system. I smoke Marlboro's like a fucking freight train trying to replace the feeling of narcotic in my system with nicotine.

Her reflection dances on the side of the house as I watch it. It sways like the tide and Is almost peaceful to me . She faces the wall shivering at the cold , staring out at the rows of flowers. I think of a time when she took me to the park . In my minds eye I see us walking and she's got me in her arms . She carried me to the slide then the monkey bars and she wouldn't let me go. The only time she would let my feet touch the ground is when we went over to the bushes of yellow flowers . She wouldn't let me pick them because she says they have feelings too but I gave her a sad face and she gently plucked one in bloom and kneeled to give it to me . I raised my sore filled hand to attempt to put the flower in her hair . That was the only reason I had wanted it , I wanted to give it to her .I remember her face was surprised . She pulled me into her arms again and kissed me. We were happy that day.

I try to resist but soon I find myself walking to the bench where she is . I sit down and startle her when I remove my jacket and put it over her . She looks shocked as I realize I'm too close and scoot to the left , the idea of being so close to the woman who gave birth to me making me even more jittery.

She wraps her arms around herself within my jacket and I know I won't be getting it back . I don't waste any time and ask her
"Did you really even want me?."

She sits up straight and turns to me like she had been waiting for this moment . Suddenly she doesn't seem so weird. She clears her throat several times before she talks .

" I knew I wanted a baby . I would cry because to me 9 months seemed so far away . I prayed every night , that you would be strong , kind .... most of all I prayed that you would love me as much as I loved you ."

We look at each other and she asks me in this sad voice "please?." As she holds her hands out . I'm confused as she grabs my hand that is massive compared to hers .The whole time she's been here she's looked so frail, like she would break into pieces if someone even raised their voice at her but as she holds on to me she squeezes so tight that I frown . It's like I'm giving her some of her strength back .

" I still pray for you to love me .... my sweet Vincenzo ." She says and places my hand to her cheek .

The big open window blows in fresh air which makes it nice as I look out ... well, spy. I've been watching Vince since he had climbed out of bed a while ago and now I smile to see him and his mother out at the garden . I'm pretty happy with myself because truth is I had orchestrated the whole thing .

Quinn doesn't talk much , but she's a good listener so I had casually made a nice breakfast and over waffles had coached her to talk to him . I told her how stubborn he was, but that she could get through to him with soft words and eye contact . I said to her " he has this thing where he likes to look at you and if he can sense that you're being sincere then you'll get somewhere with him ." . Too I told her that he likes Alfonsos garden so I may or may not have told her that she would maybe find him there tonight .

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