Chapter 10 - Can it all be so simple

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Part 10

I sit in the crowded warehouse surrounded by wall to wall concrete with two windows and only one way out ,through the front door .

I don't blink and i feel like there's electricity surging through my body

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I don't blink and i feel like there's electricity surging through my body . I've slept maybe a few hours here and there in the last few nights . I'm irritable, but i can't show it so i have to keep it together until i get out of here . I just sit with my face resting in the palm of my head and take it all in .

I hear the boss call "giovane toro." It's what he refers to me as, the young bull.The whole time he's been speaking he keeps looking in my direction almost like he's checking on me .

" Giovane toro ,your face." Boss tells me

He was a man of calculated words who we all knew very little about . His presence is commanding and he stands tall with salt and pepper hair , a calm expression on his face no matter the situation . I only knew three things about him ; His god given name was Alfonso , He had paid his dues young and hired guys to work for him that he had grown up around which meant no outsiders, and that He was all business and no bullshit.

He's looking at the dark bruising under my eye . I just shake my head because i don't feel like telling him that i got it falling against the toilet after puking my guts out from some bad shit and that I knocked out and woke up with blood on my mouth . It had taken me a few minutes to even remember where i was . I'm not even sure how i had even got to this meeting . I didn't bring my car so i must have walked .

I can feel the hate as he excuses everyone and asks to speak with me.Jail isn't too much different from being part of a crew ; it's a lot of talk within the circle and you'll always have to watch your back with certain guys.

I'm the new favorite because i rake in the most profit from my jobs,more than some of the dudes double my age . The boss is cool with me and always makes sure to give me the best assignments. I also work for him on the side for extra money because I'm just starting out . He comes over to me personally . He doesn't look happy.

" taking a break ?." He calls out .

Very little was known about him except he came from a dysfunctional family and had scraped his way up to becoming a businessman and had recognition for himself within a few years . He was middle aged and tall with the standard olive skin and coarse black hair . He didn't smile and didn't speak unless he had something to say. As he approaches i straighten up , That's just the kind of man he was.He doesn't work for your respect , you just give it out the gate . That's what I'll demand when I'm in the right position.

" i got something i want you to work on . There's a big shipment that's gonna come in . I need the truck , not the driver...." he tells me with a nod and i get it .

" there's a lot of money on this . You finish up clean and I'll throw in some extra cash.. ."

" I'll take care of it ."

And then there was us ( Chris Evans as Male Character ) Where stories live. Discover now