Chapter 32- D.N.A

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I watch the bullet tear through the fabric of his cheap slacks as he looks at the ring of blood above his knee and moans " bitch ." As he clumsily tries to reach for his weapon in his pocket . I pull at his arm and we begin to struggle for it as he lifts his hand and again I shoot , sending a bullet right between the palm of his hand .

His arm drops and begins to shake and I pull the gun from his pocket and take my foot and kick him as he loses his balance and falls over . I'm able to stumble into the closet and then close the door and lock it. I pull my phone out and see that I have 20 calls from Alfonso .

I turn down the sound on the phone and listen to his last message . He tells me that Vince is coming to me and that if anything has happened to me that he swears he's going to make someone pay  . He also says he sent security guys out right behind him . I know if I dial 911 that Vince will be here before they are and that if the cops did come that it could be a issue . I turn on my phones memo record to get this insane bastards threats and him beating on the door .

He shakes the doors handle violently and tells me I'm dead when he gets in here. As he swear at me the sound is drowned out as I open my guns chamber to see what I have left . There's only one bullet. I can shot through the door and hope that I hit a artery or I can open the door and hope that I shoot him in his head . Whatever I'm gonna do though, I don't have much time to do it .

I had heard it and told myself it was probably Garcia asking me a dumbass question . It's weird though because I wasn't able to go back to sleep and finally grabbed my phone . After I opened Mah's message the only thing I remember is calling Alfonso and yelling at him to come watch over my kids . I don't even remember driving and now I pull up to the driveway to see her car parked . If she's in trouble then more then likely I'm being watched this very second . I run into the house with my hand on my gun with the silencer screwed on , not giving a fuck until I know she's okay . I hit the dimmer switch for the lights and stay by the front door behind the counter hidden away and soon I hear it creep open.

Two guys both stand there with the double doors open and whispering something to each other . I can tell they have no rank , no family that their attached to . Even a soldier faced with the situation would've walked right in and faced whatever waited for them on the other side and handle their shit.  After the little conference between them they enter and lock the door behind them . I let out two shots and the second guy drops immediately as the blood pours from his temple . The other stops to look around puzzled as I rage and shove his body into the wall by his neck and repeatedly slam his head into the wall .

" You really wanna fuck around with me ?!" I whisper as I shove the serrated knife into his back, draw it up and into his internal organs, and can feel the warmth of his blood spill then remove it

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" You really wanna fuck around with me ?!" I whisper as I shove the serrated knife into his back, draw it up and into his internal organs, and can feel the warmth of his blood spill then remove it .

I feel like a animal let out of his cage as I continue to smash this kids head into the wall . His body drops like a bag of garbage and then I hear Charlotte cussing and yelling. I skip three steps at a time as I race up the stares and feel like my body is on fire , my rage accelerated as I think of the idea of anyone laying  even a finger on her.

And then there was us ( Chris Evans as Male Character ) Where stories live. Discover now