Guess they were right don't judge a book by its cover, but we all know we do.

I remember my backpack, cookies!

"Hey want a cookie?" I ask and he says please.

I place a cookie on the little parachutes I brought and pretend to be a flight attendant.

"Prepare for landing" as I drop the cookie down.

He catches it and takes a bite thanking me and saying it was delicous.

"Why do you have mini parachutes?" he asks looking at me a little weirdly.

"I collect and buy things I don't really need sometimes, bad habit?"

He nods and goes back to eating his cookie.

"You know I would love to meet your family sometime" I blurt out.

"I'm sure they would love to meet you too, Luna. But now the kids have started training its chaotic at home. May I ask why you would like to meet them?" he asks.

I smile and stare at this bird who flies to her or his nest full of eggs.

"I just want to see the people who cause you heart attacks".

"Well visit anytime we're free, the boys have training on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays"

I stop and think, training...

Oh right werewolves train at a young age so they can become warriors and defend themselves, I've never been allowed to train. Uncle says I don't need to since I have him, but it didn't stop me from being curious and feeling a little jealous when Val got to go.

Maybe... will I be allowed to train, just for self defense?

I'm not sure about this but part of me wants to do it.

I'm brought out of my thoughts when Rick calls out to me.

"Luna? Alpha mindlinked me he's on his way" he informs me, maybe I can ask Grant about the whole training situation.

"Please don't call me luna"

"You're going have to get used to it, my future luna" I hear a sweet teasing voice.

"Alpha" Rick bows his head then gets dismissed.

I smile and this time its genuine, he looks up at me with arms crossed.

"You going to come down and give me a greeting or what?"

I roll my eyes at him and his childish behaviour.

"Want a cookie?" I ask.

"Does it come with a kiss?" he pouts.

"Nope" I pop the 'p'.

I reach into my bag and send a parachute down.

Before landing on the ground after.

Right now Grant is stuffing his face with the baked goodie and moans.

"This is really good" he mumbles with a mouth full.

I was about to slap him in the chest but he catches my hand and places it over his heart, I could feel the rhythim of the beats of his heart.

My breathe hitches and I see a smug smile form on his face, that idiot is enjoying my reaction.

I try to pull my hand away but he only tugs on it with more force making me slam into his chest.

I snuggle into him and take a deep breathe.

"Grant? Can I ask you something?"

His body tenses probably noticing me take a deep breathe.

He nods and braces himself, is he afraid of something.

"Can I train for self defence?" I hold my breathe after patiently.

"Why? I'll always be here to protect you from now on"

"Please, I feel so useless" I pull apart from him and look him in the eye.

"Please" I repeat.

His eyes flicker with worry and it seems like he's thinking for an answer.

"If thats what you want" he holds his nose bridge as I squeal like a child.

"Thank you, Thank You Thank you!" I attack him with a bear hug.

"One condition," I stop and I freeze "I'll be there".

No no no, he'll see me fail and he'll be a distraction.

"No way" I shake my head.

"Why not? I'm your mate"

"You're also a distraction"

He raises his eyebrows at me then sighs in defeat, I can be as stubborn as I want.

"Fine but Valerie will acompany you" I smile in victory.

I guess I'm training.

Sorry for the updates but they will only be on sunday from now on until further notice.

Also please excuse the mistakes.

HOLY CRAP 21.61k READS, OVER 600 VOTES, 97 COMMENTS (some are mostly mine so around 50 comments) and A BUNCH OF FOLLOWERS!!!


I kinda feel bad for not updating that much so I'm sorry again.

I miss the comments :( its okay I really like feedback even by a single vote or read so thank you.

Please Vote, Comment and Follow 😁.


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