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"What are we having for dinner tonight?" I heard Keyin's stomach growling.

"I'm cooking." I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist as her chin rested on my shoulder.

"Mhm." I hummed happily and felt the warmth of her embrace.

"Y'all are cute but gross." Keyin faked a gag as I rolled my eyes.

"I'll go cook now." Yu Yan kissed me on the cheek before letting go. I reluctantly watched her figure disappear into the kitchen as I followed her.

I leaned against the door frame, watching Yu Yan cook. I breathed in the aroma of the beef, my attention drifted to Yu Yan, who was staring at the pan.

I quietly tiptoed to her back, hugging her the same way she did just now.

"Jiaqi, you have to let go. You might get burnt." Yu Yan said. I sulkily removed my arms, how dare she reject my attention? Hmph.

"Don't be angry, Qiqi." She chuckled. I frowned, returning to the sofa where Keyin and Keran were playing UNO.

Yu Yan's going to pay for rejecting my attention. I mischievously thought of a plan as Keran yelled, "UNO, I WON BITCH."

"Food's ready. Call the rest."

I saw Yu Yan's head poking out of the dining room and screamed, "FOOD'S READY!"

The girls ran down, their stomps could be heard throughout the entire house.

Once we sat down, Shuxin cheered loudly, "BEEF!"

"Aren't you on a diet?"

"Babe, it's a cheat day."

"But you said that yesterda-"

"Shush!" Shuxin placed a finger onto Xiaotang's lips, as the latter smiled.

Noticing that everyone was engrossed in a conversation, I carried out my plan. I slowly shifted my hand onto Yu Yan's thigh, caressing it up and down.


She looked down, spotting my hand nearing the inside of her thigh.

"Xu Jiaqi, don't you dare." She growled lowly in my ear as I smirked, seeing her initial perplexed expression.

"X-Xu.. Xu Jiaqi. Don't." I raised an eyebrow as if challenging her as I moved my hand closer. She inhaled a sharp breath, a light pink tint appearing on her face. As my hand inched even closer, Yu Yan turned redder, her breathing becoming more uneven.

"Yu Yan, are you okay? You're red." Yuxin asked.

"N-No, I'm fine." Yu Yan replied. I quickly drew back my hand and continued to eat.

"You'll pay for that."


I glanced over to the side, Jiaqi was on her phone, sitting on the couch.



"Come." I grabbed her hand before she could reply and dragged her to my room. I quickly locked the door once she entered, making her confused.


I pinned her against the wall, inhaling her addictive scent.

"Y-Yu Yan..."

"I told you that you would pay for what you did just now," I smirked, crashing my lips onto hers. A soft moan escaped her mouth as I lunged my tongue into her mouth, roaming every inch of it.

"Y-Yu... Ya-Yan.." I smirked, hearing her voice.

I pulled away, panting for air as a pink tint crept up Jiaqi's cheeks.

"Why'd you stop?"

"You know if I continued you would have no oxygen, right?"

"I don't care." Surprised, I raised both of my eyebrows as she pulled my collar in for another passionate kiss. I positioned my hands at her waist and pulled away again, hearing her whine.

"What a baby," I smiled, twirling a strand of her raven black hair in my fingers. She groaned and hit my shoulder. Cupping her face with my hands, I admired the beauty and let out a soft, "Wow."

"D-Do I have something on my face?" She asked, baffled at my gaze fixated on her face. 

"No, I'm just admiring you."


I'm sorry that it's pretty short haha, writers block sucks lol

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