valentine's day

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"What are you doing for Valentines Day?"

"I have a date."

"Ah ok."

I smiled weakly at Jiaqi. I wanted to bring her out but she already had a date.

"What time?"

"At 10."

"Ok. I'll drive you there?"


I chuckled, happy that I at least could spend a one more hour with Jiaqi.

"It's nine already. Are you ready?"

I asked. Jiaqi nodded and grabbed her bag. I grabbed my phone and keys and brought Jiaqi to my car.

We both hopped in as I drove to the cafe. I glanced at Jiaqi, who was excitedly tapping her fingers on the armrest. I giggled softly at her cuteness.

"Yu Yan~, play some music."

Jiaqi tapped my hand, her touch sending sparks all throughout my body. I smiled and played my playlist.

Her eyes lit up at the song and started to hum it. I grinned and tapped my feet to the music. A few minutes later, we had reached.

What does this lucky person look like? Having to go on a date with Jiaqi is an achievement itself.

I smiled at Jiaqi, who was getting out.

"What time do you want me to pick you up?"

"Huh? I think he'll drive me back, don't worry!"

I frowned slightly but quickly nodded and drove to a corner, watching Jiaqi from afar.

She sat by the patio of the cafe, silently waiting for the dude. I frowned.

He said 10.30am. So why the hell are you not here when it's 10.30am? Fucking asshole.

I gripped the steering wheel tightly, jaw clenched.







"Who the fuck has the guts to make Xu Jiaqi wait half-an-hour?"

I muttered angrily. Jiaqi got up and looked around, confused.

You better fucking show up soon, boy.

I thought as my blood boiled.


"Where the fuck is this guy?!"

I yelled, punching the horn. I didn't even care about the weird looks the surrounding people gave me.

I saw Jiaqi whip out her phone. Once she placed the phone against her ear, mine rang.

"Y-Yu Yan..."

The pain in her voice broke my heart.

"Yeah? You want me to pick you up?"


"Stay there, I'm coming, princess."

I smirked as I saw the blush on Jiaqi's face. I grasped onto the starring wheel and stamped on the pedal.

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