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I liked everything about Yu Yan. From her long, wild hair to her tsundere exterior. I liked it all. Well, almost everything. From the day we first met in college to our current days in our own house, one thing has always bugged me.

Strangely enough, she could die for me but absolutely could not get rid of this habit. 

My dear lion was a workaholic and it bothered me. A lot.

Every day, I would wake up to an empty bed. Being an introvert with extreme social anxiety[readers how we feelin'], Yu Yan decided to work at home since her job didn't really require social interaction.

Maybe a couple of meetings here and there, but other than that, she was free from the chains of small talk.

Grumbling about my lover leaving me in bed alone, I waddled to the living space, hoping to see her eating breakfast and not working in her study. Unfortunately, she was, as always, typing away on her laptop. 

Having a significant other as a workaholic[or even having a significant other :')] meant that meals were constantly postponed, date nights were possibly cancelled and your lover would have little to zero sleep every single night. Or they would just end up falling asleep on the couch.

Despite my continuous efforts to ensure that Yu Yan got at least 7 hours of sleep every night, she would still end up sneaking out of the bedroom to go finish up her last assignment.

Even when we were in college, broke students living in the same cramped dorm and all; she would tiptoe out of the room(and out of my cuddles), to go complete her extra credit. Although, I will admit that her hard work definitely paid off, landing us in a complex apartment and her with a reliable job.

I was irritated by everything about her work. The clicking of the keys on her laptop, the way she groans in distress every hour and oh my god, her fucking laptop. Now, you may be worried about my mental health, 'hey Jiaqi, you do realise you're getting mad over an inanimate object, right?' Oh boy, I can't even think about what that robot has done!

That damn robot steals my seat every single day! I grumpily threw the blanket sheet off my body and stomped to the living room.

I frowned, seeing that her lap was once again taken by the crusty robot. Literally sprinting to the couch, I grabbed the laptop, which was decorated with stickers, and slid it to the side while I plopped down on her lap. Shifting comfortably in her lap, I smirked at the shocked look my lover had on display.


"Hm?" I looked at her innocently as she turned away, blushing.

"Awww how cute!" I squealed, squishing her cheeks together.

"Stop that!" She slapped my hands away. I rolled my eyes at her tsundere behaviour and turned around.

"My work..." her voice trailed off as I wrapped my arms around her neck. I waved a hand dismissively at her laptop, making her grin and place her hands on my waist.

"Jealous of a laptop?"

"It takes all your attention away," I mumbled, "stupid robot." Her low chuckle made me red, the reason? I had no clue.

"How upsetting. My girlfriend's mad because of my work."

"Indeed I am. Now make me feel better."

"Would a kiss make you feel better?" She teased. I nodded enthusiastically, pouting my lips.

Of course, being the ass that she was, I felt her lips on my forehead instead, making me blush insanely. I groaned, mumbling out a 'not there'. Smiling widely, my lion melted our lips together and even throughout the kiss, I could tell that she was smirking.


"Feel better?"

"Still an asshole."

"I'm your asshole."

"Sounds terribly wrong." Yu Yan shook her head, chuckling. However, a ding from her laptop interrupted us.

Damn robot.

Frowning at the message of one of her colleagues requesting for her to do her work, I grabbed Yu Yan's chin and made her face me instead.


"Why are they asking you to do their work?" I questioned, tugging at her hair.

Smirking, she grinned lazily and replied, "I'm just so reliable."

"You're a pushover."


I rolled my eyes. She knew I was right.

"You're a bottom."

"Do not bring our bedroom activity into this conversation," I warned. She merely mimicked my voice, making me whack her shoulder.


"Shut up."



"...So the previous comment about me being a bottom.."

"Don't bring our bedroom activity into this conversation."

"But we're in our bedroom?"

"Did I stutter?"

[a/n: hola so my procrastinating self has not finished she pt 2 and decided to write this instead. i found this prompt on tumblr and found it rlly cute lol so yeah hope u enjoy :))

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