girls' night

582 22 0

Yu Yan- bold
Kiki- italics
Other characters- bold italics

This is going to take place in The9's dorm but some other girls from QCYN will be there.

"And why did I agree to this girls' night again?"

"Because you love me?"

"Shut up, Kiki."

"You're hurting my feelings, Yan!" Jiaqi pouted and crossed her arms cutely.

"Who's gonna be there?"

"Sunrui, Shuxin, Xiaotang, Zihan, Keyin, Yuxin, Xue'er, Keran and Anqi."

"That's 11 people including us. What are we gonna play?"

"I have no idea. But let's go get ready now. It's almost 8."

Yu Yan sighed, knowing even if she protested against the idea of socialising, Jiaqi would still act cute, which was her weakness: cute girls.

Jiaqi tossed a lion onesie at Yu Yan since she had already put on her fox one.

"Where the heck did you get this?"

"I bought it the other day. I thought it suits you!"

"Even though I'm younger than you, you still manage to act younger than me."

"No... You just act older than me!"

"Yeah right. Now will you turn around, I have to put this on!"

"I've seen you naked tons of times... Why do I still have to turn around?"

"I know. Just turn around."

"Are you shy~?"

As Yu Yan started to remove her clothes, Jiaqi waddled up to her back and flung her hands around Yu Yan's waist.

"You're so annoying... Let go."

"No, I like you scent."

Upon hearing this, Yu Yan immediately turned a light red and covered her face.

"Aw, the baby's blushing~"

"You're acting childish, let go. It's almost time."

"Fine... But you have to make it up to me later."

Jiaqi smirked as Yu Yan hung her head low.

"Fine. Just let me change."

The minute Yu Yan finished changing and turned around, Jiaqi suddenly jumped onto her.


"Hug me."

Yu Yan reluctantly let Jiaqi burrow her face into her collarbone and started to carry her.

"You're heavy."

"That's mean. Apologise. Now!"

Jiaqi puffed out her cheeks which made Yu Yan giggle.

"It's almost time, let's go."

Yu Yan signalled for Jiaqi to get off.

"Carry me there, I don't feel like walking."

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