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So I made some changes which is when a character is thinking it's in italics and when they're talking, it's in bold.

"What are you going to do later? Wanna hang out?"

"Nah, don't feel like it."

I replied to Xiaotang who was packing up.

The torturous hell finally ended. It was already six. First, I had basketball training. Now, don't get me wrong, I adore playing basketball but it was an awful training.

As I walked out of the school gates, I contemplated whether to take the shortcut or not. Normally, I wouldn't take the shortcut since hooligans hung around there but they would usually leave around 3.

I affirmed myself and walked past the park, towards a deserted alleyway.

Once I had walked past the alleyway, I heard a groan. Snapping my head towards the direction of the sound, I saw a red-haired girl, facepalming herself.

She quickly took out a package which I assumed was cigarettes.

"That kills people, you know."

I blurted out, surprising the girl for a split-second. The girl then scoffed.

"Do you have a lighter?"

I nodded and took out the lighter I kept with me at all times to keep perverts off me. I could say, it worked perfectly.


She grabbed the lighter and tried to shoo me away. Much to her dismay, I still stood there.

"You free right now?"

She asked. I nodded, feeling somewhat complied to answer her threatening tone. My eyes wandered to her clothes. The same uniform. She's from this school.

"Come on then. Follow me."

She walked out of the alleyway and towards the street. She gestured to a car which looked pretty expensive.

"Get in. I'm your schoolmate, I won't kidnap you."

She manage to convince me as I hopped into the car as well. I couldn't believe I was just following this random girl without even knowing her name!

"What's your name?"

"I'll tell you later."

I sighed and gave up after asking her again.

"Where are we going?"

"Someplace special to me."

"And why are you bringing me there?"

"I don't know. Just thought you'll enjoy it."

Her reply was somewhat flattering. I smiled.

"We're here."

She stated after parking her car beside a flickering lamppost. I got out as well and took in the sight in front of me.

An old, abandoned building stood before me. The girl walked into the dimly lit building and headed up the rusty stairs.

"Come on, you're so slow."

She mocked as I strained my thighs to chase after her. Once we reached the final flight of stairs, she opened the door, revealing the roof of the building.

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