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What are the three things most important in relationships? Surely, you would think trust, communication and probably suitability. I was pretty certain that we had the trust and suitability part down but communication... it was tough.

That was why we set up some ground rules. We never broke any, which was why I knew I was in deep shit. Currently, we had 3 rules.

One, always tell each other your whereabouts. Two, never go out past 11 at night unless important or hangout with friends. And the last one, never go to sleep angry or leave your partner hanging.

This may seem extremely toxic since there was barely any trust in this. I figured too but after a while, I found it easy to do such acts. They were really simple and I didn't mind doing so. Yu Yan was just really insecure, I didn't mind it if it made her feel just a bit better. Moreover, knowing where she was made me feel at ease.

At least I knew she was safe.

So heading back to where I said that I found it easy? Yeah I messed up. Badly. I would spare the details but let's just say that a certain asshole, which I mean me, broke all 3 rules. And now, you may be wondering, oh no, Jiaqi, did you cheat on her?

And well, no. I actually went out without telling Yu Yan, got drunk, partied till 2 in the morning and went home to find my girlfriend fuming. Since I was drunk, I could barely remember anything but I could sense that I said some shit. And afterwards, as if I hadn't done enough, I immediately collapsed into bed and woke up with a terrible headache.

This was already pretty bad but no, I just had to make it worse. I had already broken 2 rules. 2 out of 3. So I woke up, hungover and found my girlfriend in the guest room, sleeping.

Some facts about my girlfriend, she can't sleep alone. So that either means she cried herself to sleep, which I hoped not, or she just decided that sleeping in the guest room was better than sleeping with me.

Not gonna lie, that hurts. Like a lot.

I was pretty certain that she would stay mad at me for at least a month. And I can't last a month with her ignoring me, so being the clingy person that I am, I'm going to go apologise.

I need my daily hugs.

Walking up to the door, I was already sweating.

Alright, alright. Calm down. It's not like she's gonna dump you... right?

Oh fuck. What if she does? Welp, it's too late. I held my breath as the knock rang in my ears. I leaned my ear on the door, wanting to hear her voice.

Silence. Awesome but I deserve it.

Pulling out my phone, I decided to text her.


hey love can we talk?

i would apologise on text but I'd rather
do it face to face

Okay... I guess that isnt going to work. At least I know she's on her phone.

"Love?" I knocked once more, hoping she would at least reply.

"Uhm... Do you want to eat anything? I can order food?" I suggested, realising that she probably hasn't eaten since yesterday night.

No respond. I guess I'll just order anyway. I'm pretty hungry. Actually on second thought, I might actually vomit the food out so nevermind. I'll just order for Yu Yan and get myself some water.

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