To me you'll always be that angry boy who called me a peasant

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I tie Zukos robes behind him, tucking in the extra fabric. He holds onto his side in pain and I frown, rubbing the lightning burn on his back gently through the bandages which I had applied the night before and sighs.

"Maybe you should rest?" I ask from behind him, placing a hand on his shoulder and he shakes his head. 

"I'm fine" He sighs, before turning around to face me, "It's you I'm worried about" He mumbles and I raise my eyebrow. 

"Me?" I ask and he nods 

"You're making me weak with how good you're looking right now" He pulls me closer to him by my dress, his fingers running over the fabric and I laugh. 

"Yeah, guess I'll have to be wearing things like this now" I pull at the fabric of my dress "Being the girlfriend of the Fire Lord and all" I mumble and Zuko places his hand on my chin as he tilts my head up to face him.

"You are more then that silly title to me" He whispers and I smile softly.

"Dont worry Zuko" I chuckle softly "To me you'll always be that angry boy who called me a peasant"  Zuko laughs, his head tilting back.

"I guess you'll always be the girl who told me I have daddy issues" He grins and I roll my eyes, blushing at the memory.

"Yes, I guess I am" I mumble and Zuko places a hand on my cheek, caressing my skin with his thumb. I tilt my head upwards, and Zuko leans down as our lips connect. I place a hand over his, not wanting to place a hand in his hair and mess up the hairdo.

"Ummm Zuko?" I hear Aang knocking on our bedroom door and I pull away, looking back at the door. I sigh, looking up at Zukos eyes before pulling away from him, walking over to the door.

"Hey Aang" I smile opening the door and he waves.

"You look nice" He smiles

"As do you" I look down at his monk outfit, noticing that he is wearing the necklace I had given him "I'll go back out with the rest of the gaang" I walk out of the room, turning to face the two boys "Good luck boys" I smirk, walking out of the hallways and towards the gardens, stopping in my tracks as I look out at the beautiful scenery. The sun rises over the wall which surrounds the palace, allowing the pond to glimmer in the sunlight.  I take a sharp breath, placing a hand on my necklace, my fingers playing with the metal as I let my gaze wander. Is it finally over... can I be at peace? "I hope you can finally rest well brother, knowing that what you started... we have managed to finish" I feel a tear trail down my cheek, wiping it quickly.

I make a sharp turn to the left, walking towards the large open area where people are gathered, a stage in front of us. I stand in the back, a smile growing as I walk up to stand next to Sokka, Katara and the rest of the water tribe warriors. Hakoda places a proud arm on my shoulder and I beam. I kick Sokka's crutch lightly, causing him to lose balance and he huffs, hitting my feet with his crutch and I elbow him. At some point Hakoda had to step in between us like we were two bickering children, which we are, and I stick my tongue out at Sokka, him doing the same.

Zoku walks up onto the stage and I cheer with the crowd, he places his hand up, smiling softly. 

"Please, the real hero is the Avatar" he says and Aang walks up behind him. I cheer loudly, looking to my left right and smiling at all of the people from the different nations who have joined us today, all wearing their nations color. I stand out on the water tribe side with a red dress, but that only makes it easier for Zuko's eyes to meet mine. I smile proudly, thinking how far we've come, nearly tearing up at the stupid jerk who was looking at me with those beautiful golden eyes. "Today this war is finally over! I promised my uncle that I would restore the honor of the Fire Nation. And I will. The road ahead of us is challenging. A hundred years of fighting has left the world scarred and divided. But with the Avatar's help, we can get it back on the right path and begin a new era of love and peace" We cheer, and I watch as Zuko kneels, a fire sage placing a golden crown on his head, Fire Lord Zuko rises and I cheer loudly. 

Zuko and Aang walk down from the stage and I walk over to Zuko, bowing slightly with a grin. 

"Fire Lord Zuko, what honor-" I start to tease him but he places a hand on my face, kissing me roughly before I can finish the sentence and I grin into the kiss "Mmm kissed by the Fire Lord... have to add that to the list of accomplishments"I wink and Zuko laughs, shaking his head in amusement. 

"So Fire Lord Zuko, I think I know what your first action as Fire Lord should be" I smirk as we walk through the palace and Zuko raises his eyebrow, making a sharp right as he leads me to the pond. 

"Really?" He asks "And whats that?" we sit down next to the pond, leaning back against a tree and I grin, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper from my pocket and handing it to him. 

"What is this?" He asks straightening the piece of paper, glancing at the names and he tilts his head. 

"It's everyone you owe" 

"Wait" His eye widens "When you said that you were keeping a list... you were actually keeping a list" 

"Yeah, of course Fire Lord" I laugh, pointing to the first name on the list "You owe him a new house, oh and Song, remember her? Yeah you owe her an ostrichhorse" I remind him and he scratches the back of his neck, chuckling at the memories. 

"Yeah... I guess I do" He sighs, before turning to look at me with a more serious face "I wanted to talk to you about something" He mumbles and I nod 

"What is it?" I ask worried, what could it be now? 

"I wanted to go... I want to go visit my father in prison" He says and my eyes widen

"Why... why would you want to do that to yourself?" I ask and he sighs 

"He knows where my mother is" He says and I look down at the grass... I am sure my father knows where my mother is too, or maybe he doesnt... but even if he did I wouldnt bother going to look for her, although I am guessing Zuko's relationship with his mother was better then mine since my relationship with her was nonexistent. 

"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" I ask Zuko. One of the turtleducks waddles up to me and I smile softly as I take it gently in my arms, petting his head softly "I support you Zuko, not matter what, you know that" I tell him looking up at him and he nods, playing with fabric of his robes "But..." I sigh, looking down at the turtleduck, I shake my head and Zuko places a hand on my thigh. 

"What is it?" He asks and I turn to face him

"What if he doesnt give you the answer you want... what if he lies? Am I really going to stand here and tell you you should go face your abuser?" I ask with a knowing voice and he sighs "If this is what you want, then I'll be waiting back at our room for when you come back" I say, knowing all I could do was comfort him, since his mind was already set on visiting the deranged ex Fire Lord. 

"Thank you" He kisses my cheek and I roll my eyes, placing the turtleduck back in the water and watching as it swims up to his mother. I feel a pain ping in my chest but I ignore it, smiling softly as I turn to face Zuko. 

"I love you, you know that right?" I ask worried and Zuko chuckles softly. 

"I really couldn't figure that out from the-" Zuko starts and now it's my turn to shut him up with a kiss, pressing my lips softly against his and he laughs into the kiss. 


Oh it hurts to be so close to the end! 

*sigh* well that's life, everything must come to an end, sadly. 

Have a wonderful day and remember to like and comment! 

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