Ba sing se, here we come.

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"Are you sure you'll be alright?" I ask Zuko, and he sighs, looking out at the view of the grassy hills and trees, birds flying over our heads as he turns to face me.

"If I don't do this... all of this" he points around him "will be gone, you will be gone...." he looks down "I can't live in a world like that"

"And you're ready to fight your sister?" I ask, not knowing what I would do if I had to fight my brother... potentially to the death.

"Yes" he nods determined and smile, brushing his hair away from his eyes.

"I love you, you know that right?" I ask and he nods, placing his hand over mine.

"I love you more" he smiles and I roll my eyes, kissing him softly

"Come back to me Prince Zuko" I whisper against him lips and he kisses me once more.

"You too princess" he smirks and I snort.

I look out at the walls of Ba Sing Se, tanks of fire nation army lining in front of us, my bow and arrow kept tightly in my hand.

"Ba Sing Se, the Order of the White Lotus is here to set you free" Bumi says, the sky turning red as the Comet approaches and I square my shoulders, the soft and happy moments with Zuko and the gaang were gone from my mind, murder the only thing clouding my thoughts.

"Here to set you free" Pakku holds his sword tightly in his hand.

"Only once every hundred years can a firebender experience this kind of power." Iroh breaths, and I am almost scared from the power he is about to display, I blink, ignoring the thought and preparing for the fight of our lives. Iroh inhales deeply, and Sozin's Comet begins to rise above us. Iroh exhales as a ring of fire appears around. The flames grow larger each time Iroh breathes deeply. Iroh opens his eyes and raises his arms, as the flames around him collect to make a ball of fire. It collects energy and he fires it as a massive fire blast that breaches the Outer Wall. Bumi jumps forward and stomps the ground. The three stone blocks that the Order's members are standing on begin to quickly move toward Ba Sing Se, I turn my feet, trying to balance better. I take a deep breath, pressing a hand onto the rings that I had around my neck, the set finally whole again, my brothers ring, with June's... not anymore anyways.

Blasts of fire hit us and Iroh quickly deflects them, as Pakku bends a giant wave, turning it into ice as Piando and I slide down it, I nock 4 arrows at once, sending them out at the temples of the fire nation soldiers, mercy not a being a trait I will be showing tonight.

Piando slashes down countless soldiers with his sword, and I run down the streets of Ba Sing Se. 5 soldiers attack me at once, their wall of fire nearly burning me but I jump over a cart of cabbages, throwing my knifes and hitting every single one in the soldiers throats. I jump over their dead bodies, looking back as Jeong Jeong forms a huge wall of fire, blocking fire attacks left and right, a circle of soldiers surrounding him and I grab my knives out of the dead bodies, running behind the soldiers so quick that they dont even have time to gasp before I slash their throats. One realizes before I reach him, directing his fire at me and I jump out of the way, watching as Piando takes the man down.

"Thanks" I say breathless and he nods. I jump up to the roofs of the houses, grabbing my bow and arrow once more, directing my hits at the tanks weak points as Jeong Jeong continues blasting the tanks backwards. Pakku lays a layer of ice over the houses and I glide down the roofs, arrows and knifes thrown and shot left and right, soldiers and tanks falling at my feet. Pakku and I team up at one point, destroying the tanks from above and he creates a slide for me to glide on, moving from one side of the street to another as I continue running down the tops of the houses.

I pant, leaning against a chimney of someones house, pulling my hair back when someone throws fire at me. I crouch just in time, looking up at a woman in fire nation uniform through a curtain or hair. She throws another shot, obviously not experienced in the arts of fire fighting, her fire being made by fear, weakening her. I dodge her hits as I slowly get closer, before jumping onto her shoulders. She crys out nearly losing her balance and I lean down next to her ear.

"See you in hell" I whisper before snapping my thighs a hard left, her neck snapping with a crunch, and I wouldn't call it sickening since it didn't sicken me. I land onto the ground, standing tall, my hair in my face, the sky a blood red and I face Iroh, his face cool, stern, determined. He nods at me and I nod back, picking my arrows back up as I continue heading to the heart of the city, killing any and all soldiers in my path.

I pant as I make my way up the Earth Nation Palace, smearing the blood off my cheek as I shoot the two fire nation guards in the heads with my arrows. Iroh, Pakku, Jeong Jeong, and Piando climb up the stairs behind me and I press my hands against the large Palace doors, pushing through them, the doors blowing back. The guard who were inside the Palace look at me startled and I smirk, running up to the closest one to me and kicking him hard in the ribs, watching as he falls to his side. I kick hard on his skull, before watching as Pakku freezes the rest of the guards. We continue making our way to the Palace room and I once again blast through the doors, glaring at the general who was sitting on the throne.

"What-" He blink and I grin, chuckling as I pick him up by the collar, throwing him onto the floor. "You will pay for your crimes against the Fire Nation" The general, Shi Ma, who had been in charge of the siege over Ba Sing Se snarls at us as we stand over his kneeling form in the Palace. The walls are on fire, the floor icy, bodies stinking up the room and my face covered with blood. I stare down at general Shi Ma, the general who who has been responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocents, murder in my eyes. I pull out my last arrow, aiming it at his head and his eyes widen.

"Revenge will bring you-" Iroh starts but I release the string before he can finish, the sharp edge diving into his head, blood pooling out of his sunken body as I pull the arrow out from his flesh, cleaning his blood on my pants and placing the arrow back in my quiver.

"Worse things haunt my dreams Iroh" I turn to face him and the rest of the White Lotus members, all of which look absalotly exhausted "I think it is time to go home" I sigh looking around the destruction and the men nod.

Hey guys!
I hope you're having a wonderful week! 💛
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