Crazy kids running around in trees playing hero

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We had been traveling for a bit on the flying bison when we decided to land. I was already feeling much better and could stand and walk just fine. Kataras healing did wonders. I shoulder my bow and arrow and place my knife at my waist.

"You carry a lot of weapons" Sokka say as I jump off of Appa, landing on the grassy ground.

"This isn't even half of them" I grin, reaching out to help Katara off of Appa. She smiles, taking my hand before sliding off the large animal, some of his fur catching on her dress and she sighs, brushing it off.

"So cool" he whispers under his breath, but quickly snaps out of it and stands tall "We need to continue on foot" he points towards the forest and Katara groans.

"Why? using Appa is just fine" She crosses her arms, and Aang and I just stand back, watching the two argue.

"Yeah but how does the fire nation always know where we are?" He asks and I raise my hand, Sokka sighs and points at me "Yes Isa?"

"Because they spot Appa in the sky!" I say smiling and Sokka nods.

"Exactly!" He says and I high five Aang. Katara looks at me and rolls her eyes. I stick my tongue out and laugh.

"Ok, I guess Sokka is right, we should continue on foot" Aang says and with that we take our things and make our way through the forest. I sense that something is wrong but before I can warn Sokka he walks straight into a fire nation camp. My eyes widen and I quickly step in front of Sokka throwing my ninja stars and nocking arrows hitting people left and right. All the sudden some people drop out of the trees and help me fight. I don't have time to assess whether they are a danger or not as Sokka, Katara and Aang join the fight. The last fire nation soldier is tied up and I press my lips into a thin line, taking my arrow out of a soldier's arm and clean the blood on his uniform. I look around to see someone whom I hadn't seen in a long time.

"Jet!" I call out to him, he turns towards me and his eyes widen in recognition.

"Isa?" He asks and walks over to me. Before he can step any closer I place the tip of my arrow at his chest.

"What are you doing here Jet?" I ask with no emotion on my face.

"I'm helping end the war" Jet smirks and I glare at him.

"You're a child without motive or heart, you aren't doing anything but causing trouble" I spit at him.

"Isa! You know him?" Sokka asks, approaching us slowly since I still have the arrow against Jet's chest and I nod.

"My brother went to fight for his town" I explain "After everything... " I sigh, paint in my eyes but I can only see a crazed look in Jet's "Jet has passed by my port, he stole from people and hurts lots"

"Well he helped us now" Katara says, clearly crushing on him, and I shake my head.

"You guys should come with me" Jet says smiling, walking away from me and towards his group, I lower my bow and arrow, my shoulders tense. "I have a secret base". With those words he had Aang walking with him. Katara walked close by and I stayed back with Sokka.

"I'm going to the town nearby, I have a friend there, you need to watch out for them, Sokka. Jet is manipulative, and he isn't afraid of taking a life" I warn Sokka and grab my ninja stars making my way to the small village across the river.

"Are you sure?" Sokka asks and I nod.

"Yeah I'll be fine, it's Katara and Aang you should worry about. I'll be back I'm a day or two" I say and disappear into the forest.

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