Tea is best served hot

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I grimace as I wrap bandages around my body. This isn't the first time my father has burned me. Actually I'm pretty much used to it by now. It's been 4 years since my brother has died and not a day goes by when my father doesn't remind me that I'm a constant reminder of his dead son. I guess it's because we both have pricing red eyes. Or the black hair that's darker than a night sky. It doesn't matter though, what does matter is me getting to the shop on time.

I leave my house this time with a long red shirt under my large black t shirt to cover the bandages. I run to the shop and quickly tie my apron on, stepping in the back and starting to heat up some tea. I pour myself a healing tea when I hear the jingle of the door. I glance at the door and see that Dan has come with his friends. I step out with a pot of tea and grin.

"Told you I'd leave a kettle on" I smirk

"I never doubted you," Dan says as he makes his way towards me. His friends, a short girl with brown hair and blue eyes and a boy with blond hair and brown eyes, stand behind him. Dan looks back at his friends and crosses his arms.

"You're Sang... and Lily right?" I ask remembering their names from yesterday and the two of them nod. I smile, placing down the tea pot and three cups, watching as they sit down. I lean against the table next to theirs, crossing my arms "You're all new here" I say more then and ask and they nod "It's a pretty shit place to come to"

"Not much of a choice" Sang says in a solemn voice and I nod, watching as they pour themselves tea. Dan snickers, rolling hs eyes and I raise an eyebrow, not understanding what he found so funny.

"I dont see what is so shitty? There is the best tea shop in the whole kingdom here" he grins and I snort

"Thanks" I mumble and he shakes his head

" I meant the other one around the corner-" He jokes and Lily hits him over the head.

"Stop being an ass" she mutters and I laugh, shaking my head at their antics.

"Well I don't know how long you guys are planning on staying-" I start and Sang shakes his head

"Not long" he explains and I tilt my head, waiting for an explanation when the door opens and I watch as a lady walks into the shop.

"That's my call, I'll be back" I say and straighten myself off of the table, walking over to the woman who has chosen to take a window seat and smile.

"Hello and welcome to the White Jade, how can I help you?" I ask the woman, who is obviously of higher status, her dress silk and her hair pinned up with a jade and pearl pin and I can't help but wonder what she is doing here. She smiles at me and asks for jasmine tea, to which I nod and make my way to the kitchen. I boil a kettle with jasmine, glancing up at the lady, watching as she plays with her bracelet, looking out at the window. I walk back with the kettle and a cup, pouring her the tea and leaving the kettle for her to pour herself more.

"Thank you" she says kindly and I smile, bowling to her before I thank the Spirits in my head for giving me a kind customer. I walk back to the group when I notice Sang staring at my cup, which I had left on their table. I lean over the cup, looking into the green water trying to see if something is wrong with it... but it looks normal. I pick it up, and lean against the table.

"Is something wrong?" I ask

"It's a healing tea" he says simply and I nod, bringing the cup to my lips as I take a sip.

"Yeah, I have a bit of a headache" I lie but smile through the pain "thought it would help" I shrug. Sang nods and looks away, clearly not believing the lie but not bothering to ask more.

"How long have you been working here?" Lily asks

"Oh, I don't know. A couple years I think" I say not remembering when I truly started working here. I used to be just a customer until April took me in. "Ever since my father lost his job I think" I shrug.

"What'd he used to do?" Dan asks, crossing his arms over the table

"He was a fisherman, after my brother died he stopped everything and hasn't worked for years" I explain, tapping my fingers along the clay cup, wanting to change the subject. Maybe we could talk about the weather?

"I'm sorry" Lily says and I shrug.

"It's not a big deal, I like working here" I smile and watch as two more customers walk in. I excuse myself and get the customers tea. I went back to check on the lady when I relaize that she had left, her kettle empty. My eyes widen when I look at the amount of money she had left on the table and I take it in my hands, thinking that it must have been a mistake. I exit the shop, running after her, watching as she nears a corner.

"Excuse me!" I call after her "lady!" She turns around and smiles.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Umm yeah, you left too much money I can't take this" I say handing her back the extra.

"No no, I insist, the tea was the best I've had in years" the lady says before turning around.


"Why don't you take it and buy yourself a nice shirt?" the lady shrug, walking away leaving me stunned. I look at the money in my hands, enough to buy 5 shirts, I think. I walk back into the shop and place the money that the tea was worth in the register. I place half the money in April's tip plate and half in mine.

"Is something wrong?" Dan asks as I walk past his table.

"I.. ummm.. well this lady, she left a lot of money" I say, still stunned by her kindness.

"Oh well that's great!" Dan smiles and I manage to smile back.

"Yeah, I guess" I say

The weeks passed and the abuse didn't stop, I mean I didn't expect it too, but it didn't so... yeah. Dan and his friends have been great, but they left to help a neighboring village with fighting off the fire nation 2 weeks ago and they haven't been back since, which was only adding onto the stress. Lin's birthday is in 5 days and father only gets angier and drunker around that time. Without Dan and his friends here I am afraid that the only person I have to run to is April, and I cant bother her more than I already do...

I leave the tea shop and walk back home when I notice that the pirate ship is docked today. I smile and make my way towards the boat, if anything can distract me from the looming threat of my dad bruning me to a crisp it's 20 drunk pirates, I think, walking in and knocking on a wall 3 times the 2 then 4. A door opens and Po welcomes me with open arms.

"Isa! What are you doing here?" He asks and I shrug

"I was around and I saw your boat, thought I'd hop in"

"It's good to see you! Boys look who's here!" Po calls out and everyone turns around.

"Come back for another piercing?" Joe asks and I roll my eyes

"Are 10 not enough?" I grin, moving my hair to show the piercings that I've let Joe give me over the years, he even gave my brother one.

"Isa! It's good to see you" The captain says putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Good to see you too," I say smiling.

"What are you doing here?" He asks

"Oh you know, I came to beat you at another game of pai sho" I wink and take a seat at the table. The captain sits in front of me and shakes his head.

"I won't let you win this time" Captain says as people sit around us.

"That's what you said last time" I laugh


Chapter 2!

Very exciting!

I absolutely love the avatar tv show and I am really loving writing this story!

Anyways, have a wonderful day <3

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