I've always wanted to fly, but I'm not sure this is what i had in mind

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"You should have been the one that died!" I hear my father scream. Everything is dark. I can't breath. Something is burning me. I can't move. My breath becomes heavy and I start panicking! There is not escape! I'm going to die! Everything happens so fast and the voices are so loud and all the sudden everything stops. I open my eyes to see my father standing over me, my brother next to him.

"Lin?" I ask, tears in my eyes

"You're a disgrace" he spits at me and I gasp, I feel my heart shatter

"What?" I ask in a small voice

"You don't love me" he says and tears fall down my face at an impossible speed.

"I do! Please Lin! Don't leave me!" I beg but he fades from the dark room leaving my father behind.

"You're the reason your mom left!" He screams and I back away, falling over my own feet.

"I didn't do anything!" I scream, still sobbing. Fire rises all around me and I quickly stand up. My father turns into ash as the fire advances and I try to run but it closes in! And I can't breath! Oh god I can't breath!!! I sob as the fire licks at my skin, screaming for help. All the sudden I hear my name being called and I look around. I feel myself stir.

"Isa!" I hear someone scream and I get up from where i was sleeping in Appas saddle, drawing my knife out and tackling the person in front of me to the floor. I put my knife to their throat when I realize it's just Sokka. I jump off of him and put the knife in my waistband.

"I'm so sorry Sokka!" I say, my voice cracking, helping him stand.

"It's ok, I was the one that scared you" he says worried "are you ok?" He asks and I fall to my knees shaking. Sokka bends down and hugs me.

"I... there was so much fire" I say sobbing into Sokkas arms.

"It's ok, it was only a dream, you're safe, you're safe" he says over and over until I remember how to breath. I calm down and pull away from Sokka.

"Thanks, but what going on?" I ask and he smiles.

"I just wanted to tell you that we're heading to the Northern Air temple" he says ruffling my hair. I fix my hair and look at him.

"Northern Air temple?" I ask exited "that's where my grandma is from". Sokka helps me down from Appa and we walk to where Aang and Katara are packing up the camp.

"Is everything alright?" Katara asks and I nod

"Just a bad dream, but it doesn't matter" I wave it off

"Ok" she says smiling and puts a hand on my shoulder. I look at Aang and watch his happy self getting ready to leave.

"Is he expecting to find air benders?" I whisper to Sokka and he shrugs.

"When you were sleeping we met a guy who was telling storys about people flying by the Air Temple" Sokka says and my eyes widen

"But they were all killed, before Aang the last air bender was my grandmother and she died 11 years ago" I tell Sokka and he looks at me with his eyebrows raised.

"How old was she?" He asks surprised

"Its rude to ask a lady her age" I say smirking "but she was 117 years old when she died"

"Wow" He says as Katara pushes us towards Appa.

"Come on, lets go" She says rushing us and I roll my eyes

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