Crazy runs in the family

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"STUPID BITCH!" I hear my fathers voice scream at me. STOP! shut up shut up shut up! get away from me. I try to run but his voice fallows me. His nasty laugh echoing the darkness. Suddenly I am thrown back into my old house. My eyes widen in fear but when I try to leave through the door the entire house goes up in flames. I try to get out but the fire is too much! Everything is too much.

"Isa!" I hear someone scream. I look around but there is no one here but me. I crumble to the floor, sobbing until my throat hurts when I hear someone call my name out again.

"Isa!" I am suddenly thrown out of the house and everything stops.

I gasp and sit up falling from wherever I was onto the floor. I steady my breathing and look around, the room is still dark, and Zuko is kneeling beside me looking very consenred.

"Hey" I mumble leaning against the wall.

"Hey" Zuko says back calmly. I look at him and smile, wiping my tears and taking a shaky breath.

"I-" I start but Zuko cuts me off

"I know" He says with understanding in his voice. I look at the burnt side of his face and I nod.

"I'm sorry I woke you up" I say and Zuko shrugs

"It's ok" He says getting up and giving me his hand. I take it and stand up "Do you want to talk about it?" He asks and I take a seat on the bed. He sits down in front of me and I look down at my hands. I shouldn't be here. Sleeping in the same bed as the Prince of the fire nation. I shouldn't. I really really shouldn't. My brother died because of his father. But.... Fuck! The spirits sent me here for a reason, maybe I just need to trust him and see where it takes me? And my brother is the one that sent me here in first place...

"It was about my father" I say looking up at him and he nods "When I was younger he was kind, I think he was always hurt by my mother leaving, but he was fine. Lin and I had food to eat and clean clothes to wear. We made friends and we were happy"

I explain and Zuko listens intently "But when my brother was 15 he joined a rebellion group, against the fire nation. He went to protect a town near by, I heard that he fought until his last breath. He was captured, tortured and killed. When news got back to my town I was heartbroken, but my father took it harder. He didn't eat or drink, he quit his job, he didn't get out of bed" I sigh and Zuko looks at me sadly. Probably feeling immense guilt.

"But than something snapped in him, I don't know what, and he had started to become abusive. It started out small, only harsh words. But it escalated rather quickly. I had gotten a job to get away from him, but whenever I came back to my house he would... well he would hit me" I say rubbing my arm.

"I am so sorry" Zukos soft voice brings me out of my rant, and I look up at his eyes shaking my head.

"That wasn't even the worst part. The hitting never bothered me, my brother taught me how to take a hit. But when my father got drunk he lost control of his bending, and he would go completely out of control. He nearly burnt down the house once, if it wasn't for Po putting out the fire, I would have probably been living in the streets. As I got older it effected me less, but thats probably becomes I had become numb to the pain" I chuckle darkly and Zuko frowns. "Life wasnt all bad, I had friends, and April, the woman who owned the tea shop I worked at, was always so kind. But a few weeks back, my father completely lost control. He burnt my arms, broke a couple of my ribs, and threw me out of the house. If it wasnt for Katara's healing I would have probably been dead" I confess and Zuko looks at me with wide eyes.

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