Fire, mask, Oh! look at that mask! I want it!

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"I dont know if this is a good idea" Katara says and I shrug

"maybe its fun, I remember a family friend telling me that hes been at a fire festival before" I say

"again! another family friend!" Sokka groans and I laugh

"Lets go, it'll be fun" Aang says and I grin. We make our way to the fire festival and look around, everyone is wearing masks. I look around and point to a mask stand. Katara grabs a mask of a woman, and switches the masks that Aang and Sokka chose, to match their moods. I chuckle and look at the masks, my eyes wander over a couple till I find something I liked. I grab a black mask that only covers my eyes. I put it on and tie the black string to the back of my head

"So?" I ask and the boys put a thumbs up. I smile and look at Katara who nods. We pay and leave, walking around the festival. I let my hair down from my ponytail and let it loose, hoping it would cover my bow and arrow. We go over to a man who is doing a show with fire. We watch as he creats all kinds of shapes. I flintch at every movment, and stand behind Sokka. He looks at me and takes my hand.

"It's fine" Sokka say "He wont hurt you"

"I know" I mumble "It's just scary"

"For my next trick I need a volunteer!" The man yells and looks out at the crowd. His eyes land on Katara and he holds out his hand.

"Would you like to come up to the stage lady?" He asks and she shakes her head.

"aww shes shy" the man says to the crowd as he pouls her onto the stage. He ties her down with a red rope and she sits on the floor.

"This isn't going to be good" I mumble to Sokka and he nods. I watch as the man creates a dragon with his fire. My eyes widen as he moved the dragon over the crowd. He pretends to lose control of the dragon.... or maybe he doesn't? Fire is a living thing, it have a mind of its own, he could have lost control of it! My mind screams at me louder and louder to stick an arrow through his head, but I watch intently as he makes the dragon fly right at Katara. Sokka and I watch with side eyes when Aang decides to break the fire with his air bending. My eyes widen and I pull out my knife and take off my mask, putting it in my pocket , preparing to fight a shit ton of fire nation people. At least I got a cool mask form this mess.

I watch as fire nation soldiers pool in and we run to an alley. I let go of Sokkas hand and nock an arrow on my bow. I take the one that explodes into a bet and point it at 5 guards. It traps the first 3 and make them tumble over the rest. I grin and continue running.

"Hey!" I hear a man call out and we turn to face him.

"I can't help you get out of here" he says and I look at Aang.

"I don't know" he says as the soldiers voices get louder. I sigh and make eye contact with Aang.

"Ok" Aang says and the man leads us through the alleys and streets and into the woods. I keep an arrow nocked in my bow when I feel people aprouching. I watch with wide eyes as people circle us.

"Fuck" I mumble.

"No don't worry, they're friends" the man says and I glare at the people surrounding us. Sokka places a hand on my shoulder and I lower my bow.

"Relax" he says in a calming voice and I smile.

"Thanks" I say as we get led through the woods into a clearing. I don't pay attention to the talking, only to the people surrounding me. Fire benders, good fighters, I could fight all of them, but not without risking the safety of my friends. I watch as Aang leaves with the men and I look at Sokka.

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