*Pew pew* *lightsaber noises*

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"This isn't good" I mumble feeling something move in the waters. I look out from my terrace, the wind blowing against my shirt.

"Isa, I-"

"Need to go" I finish Zukos sentence turning to face him. He nods and I smile, handing him the bag that I had already packed for him, my bag leaning against the bed.

"You packed?" He asks "how'd you know?"

"The day of the Black Sun has come" I look up at the sky "Sokka has figured out this is the best day to attack" I shrug and Zuko smiles.

"Well I guess we both came prepared" he says and hands me the bag he was carrying. I look inside of it, gasping when I realize it's all my weapons.

"Zuko-" I choke pulling out my bow and caressing the beautiful weapon "you have no idea how much this means to me" I kiss him and he smiles into the kiss.

"I figured you might want to go have fun ruining some property while I go confront my dad" he shrugs and I look up at him.

"You don't want me to come?" I ask making sure he knows I'll go with him if he needs me.

"I'll be fine" he smiles "I think..." his smile falters and I raise an eyebrow "we'll have to split up for a bit" he says and my eyes widens. Is he breaking up with me? "oh!" He chokes " of like that! No! No Isa I love you" he shakes his head and I sigh "I just mean that maybe you should go with the gaang while I figure out my way"

"I'm not leaving you Zuko" I scoff and he plays with the white piece in my hair.

"My ultimate goal is to... well I'd like to teach Aang fire bending" Zuko mumbles and I smile "but I think I need to work up the courage to face him on my own" he says softly and I humm.

"Alright, well I know Aang is going to attack today, I'll meet them on the front lines" I grin grabbing my weapons and placing them where they should go. I strap my knifes to every possible place, put on my bow and quiver, and tie my hair back. "Tell Yingjie that I'll miss him for me?" I ask and Zuko sighs, looking at me and I frown.

"We'll see each other soon right?" I ask walking up to him trying very hard not to cry because that would be extremely embarrassing.

"Yeah" Zuko nods placing a hand on my cheek "wait for me ok?"

"Always" I grin and kiss him deeply, trying to savor every touch and sound that Zuko makes. In a war life is never promised, and while we are both trained and ready to fight, I am afraid of not seeing him again...

"I love you" he breaths touching his forehead to mine and I smile.

"I love you to" I pull back, taking one last look at his golden eyes before walking to the balcony and jumping off, scaling the palace and running through the empty city, feeling how everyone had evacuated down to countless chambers underground.

I run down to the port, where I watch as metal machines make their way up onto land and take heavy fire from the guards. I grab a post and take out my bow, mercilessly shooting down guards, making it easier for my friends. I watch mesmerized as a huge green monster forms itself on the water, remembering the story's that have been past through the port in my hometown about a monster in the swamp that kills all who dare to enter. At least theyre on our side... I think.

My eyes widen when Sokka steps out of the caterpillar like tanks, along with other warriors, some dresses in earth nation clothing while some in water tribe. I grin, shooting down more fire nation guards from their towers, stopping the missiles from hitting the tanks. I watch as Katara flys on Appa, completely destroying the guards and I wave to her.

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