Beach time!

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"What are you doing?" I ask as I walk into Zukos room, watching as he packs clothes in a duffle bag.

"I'm packing" Zuko says and I roll my eyes.

"I can see that Zuko, why are you packing?" I ask leaning against his dresser as he grabs a shirt that I know had a hole in it. I sigh, taking the shirt from his hand and unfolding it, showing him the hole.

"Oh" he mumbles and I nod "we are going on a trip" Zuko explains grabbing a different shirt and placing it in his bag.

"Trip? Where?" I ask confused.

"To Ember Island" Zuko sighs "my dad has some restricted meeting with his advisors and is sending me away"

"Just you?"

"Well me, you, Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai" Zuko mutters stuffing more clothes in and I nod.

"Alright, what should I pack?" I ask and Zuko looks up at me.

"Ummm beach clothes?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow.

"Alright" I mumble walking out and Zuko sighs.

"Wait!" He calls out and I turn around "I'm sorry, I'm angry my dad is sending me away, I didn't mean to be so cold" he apologizes and I smile.

"Zuko it's fine, don't worry" I smile softly and he nods, going back to packing. I leave the room, waking into my own and grabbing a bag, when Annie walks in.

"Hi Annie" I wave placing the bag on my bed.

"I heard you're going to Ember Island!" She says exited and I nod.

"Yeah, should be fun" I smile painfully, fully aware that a trip with Azula isn't fun, it's a death sentence. Annie chuckles, going into my closet and picking out clothes.

"Don't worry, you'll have a blast!" She says and I sigh, looking out at the garden from my window.

Later that day, we had all gotten onto a boat, starting the 1 hour trip to Ember Island. Yingjie hasn't joined us, because Zuko claimed that Ember Island is safe, and there is no need for guards.

I stand on the edge of the boat, looking down and watching as the ocean passes us. I frown, the ocean reminding me of the trips I had taken with the Gaang. I place a hand on my temple, when someone stands next to me. I turn, facing Ty Lee.

"Hi" she says and my eyes widen.

"Oh, hi" I smile and she nods, looking out at the ocean.

"Are you ok?" She asks and i furrow my eyebrows, why does she care? We aren't friends... does she want to be friends?

"I'm fine" I say trying to not overthink and she nods.

"I noticed the way you were looking out at the ocean" she tilts her head looking up at the clouds "it's pretty isn't it?"

"Yes, it is" I smile and she looks back at me.

"You're very nice" she says and I chuckle

"Thank you, so are you" I say watching as Zuko makes his way over to me. I turn back to face Ty Lee but she is already gone, going back to Azula.

"What was that about?" Zuko asks looking back at Ty Lee and I shrug.

"I don't know, I think she was trying to get to know me" I mumble and Zuko raises an eyebrow.

"Alright, well Ty Lee is nice, I think you'd be great friends" he smiles "she might even agree to train you in Chi blocking" he mutters and my eyes widen.

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