Stop complaining you big baby!

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"I haven't been on the run since I was 12, this brings back so many memories" I say remanecing about that time I stole from some rich dude and he tried to kill me, or marry me, I don't remember.

"We don't have food! We don't have a proper shelter! How are you having fun?" Zuko asks, back to his moody self. I pick some berry's off a bush and look wether any animals have been eating them. I find an ant that's eating the fruit and I smile, placing the red berry in my mouth. I pick a few more and thank the berry bush before walking back to Zuko.

"It's not that bad, last time I was on the run I hid in a sewer" I cringe remembering the smell. I hand Zuko and Iroh some berries, and grab my bow and arrow and look around.

"I'll go hunt over there" I point to the left "Zuko you go see if you can find more of the berrys, don't pick too much! Leave some for the animals, Iroh stay here" I say and walk off. I silently walk along the trail looking for any sign of movement. I feel an animal walking by, they're close. I walk to when I sense the animal when I find a turtledeer (turtle+ deer) withering in pain. I look at the hurt animal and notice some amature tried to shoot their arrow into their head, instead they missed and it landed in their neck. I sigh and kneel next to the animal. I place my hand on its heart and take out my knife.

"It's ok, everything will be ok" I say in a calming voice slowly moving my knife to its throat trying not to scare the animal farther. In a quick jab I end the poor things life and pull out the arrow, placing it in my quiver.
"Go in peace" I mumble. I take the animal in my arms and bring it back to the camp.

"Hey guys I brought some-" I say but cut myself off when I look at Iroh who has some sort of a rash. My eyes widen and I look at the plant he's standing over.

"Iroh! That's a white jade flower!" I scream at him placing the animal down gently on the floor and running over to Iroh. Zuko runs back to the camp because of the screaming and looks at his uncle.

"We have to get him to a nearby town!" I say nervously "once the poison reaches his heart he will die!" Zukos eyes widen and he looks at his uncle.

"If we go to the earth nation we'll be executed" Zuko says

"But if we go back to the fire nation We will be turned over to Azula" I say and Zuko looks at his uncle.

"Earth nation it is" Iroh says and I nod helping him stand.

"Zuko grab the turtledeer" I say pointing to the animal.

"Why?" Zuko asks in discuss as he picks up the animal.

"I did not just take a life in vain Zuko" I say rolling my eyes and helping Iroh walk to the closest town.

"You didn't mind killing those men back there" Zuko mumbles and I chuckle.

"Innocent life" I mumble back. We reach a nearby town and pass by a few merchants.

"That's a pretty animal you have there, I'll trade you two hats for it" one of the merchants says and Zuko looks at me. I nod, thinking that Iroh and Zuko could use the hats as disguise. The merchant hands us the straw hats, Zuko puts his on and I place the hat on Irohs head.

"Thank you pretty lady" Iroh says and I giggle, I guess the poison is spreading. We make our way to a hospital and Iroh quickly gets rushed to a table where a pretty girl, probably around my age takes care of him.

"You guys must not be from here, everyone around here knows not to touch the white Jade" the girl says "my name is song by the way"

"Im Lee, and that's my uncle Mushi" Zuko intraduces him and his uncle, probably waiting for me to chose a fake name.

"Yes but he was named after his father so you can call him Junior" Iroh, or Mushi says and I grin at look of distaste on Zukos face.

"And you are?" Song asks

"Akina, I'm a family friend" I say using the fake name my brother gave me long ago.

"That's a beautiful name, means spring flower right?" Song asks and I nod "alright that should do it" Song says after a bit. Iroh looks much better and he thanks Song.

"It was my pleasure, would you guys like to join me and my mom for dinner?" Song asks and I look up at Zuko.

"No we shouldn't" Zuko says

"That's a shame, my mom always makes too much roast duck" Song says offhand, and Irohs eyes light up.

"Of course! We'd love to have dinner" Iroh smiles and I nod. We wait in the infirmary until Song finishes her shift and she leads us to her house. We are greeted by her mother and we take a seat at the table. Song and her mother sit in from of Iroh, Zuko and I.

"Where are you guys from?" Song asks once the food has been served.

"We're from a nearby earth nation town that's been overrun by fire nation soldiers" I explain and Song nods.

"You have a lovely home" Iroh complents and Songs mother smiles.

"Thanks" she says and we continue eating.

"I'm sorry you lost your town" Song says and I nod smiling.

"It's ok, it was just a place anyways" I say and Song nods.

"There was a raid here 2 years ago, the fire nation took my father and that's the last time I saw him" Song confesses and I frown.

"My brother died fighting for a nearby town" I mumble and Song shakes her head.

"I am so sorry" she says and I smile. Zuko gets up and walks out of the room. I watch as he leaves and I sigh. I look at Iroh and he shakes his head.

"I'll go" Song says and I smile. Iroh and I help Songs mother with the dishes, and she packs us a box with enough food to last us at least 3 days.

"Thank you so much" I thank Song and her mother, bowing, as we walk out of their house.

"It was our pleasure" Song says and I smile "don't lose hope, the Avatar is back"

"I am aware" Zuko mumbles and walks away. I smile and wave. We walk away from their house and pass by an ostrichhourse. Zuko grabs on of them and I look at him with wide eyes.

"I'm not getting on that! That family just showed us so much kindness!" I say but Zuko rolls his eyes.

"And their about to show us a little more" Zuko says and I shake my head. I make a mental note that when the war is over and Zuko is fire lord, I will force him to buy that family a farm of ostrichhourses. I get on the animal in front of Zuko and he places his arms around me to reach the leash. Iroh gets on behind Zuko and we leave. I look back and notice that Song is looking at me. I frown and mouth 'I'm sorry'.

Hey guys!
Long time no see!
Thank you so much for the reads (or views?)!!!
I would love to see what you guys think and how you feel about the story, so please please take your time to leave a comment.
(Ps, I know I use the term 'guys' but I mean it in a completely gender neutral way)

Anyway, Thank you so much, and have a wonderful day 🌞🌞🌞🌻🌻

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