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"Have fun you two!" I cheer, sending Kiana and Harrison off on their honeymoon.

It was just meant to be Calum dropping them off at the airport, but Luke and I made plans with him for after so we decided to come along.

Calum groans, "I guess it time for me to be the third wheel once again."

"Third wheel? We literally aren't together." I laugh, shaking my head.

"Still." He mutters.

Calum drives off, we were just going to go back to Luke's place. It seems like that's all we ever do.

"Uh, are you two fine if I get high as fuck?" Calum asks, when we finally arrive at Luke's place.

"We smoke here at least once a week, I don't care." Luke replies, before looking at me.

"Oh, I'm good. Go ahead." I tell him.

We all get settled in the living room of Luke's place. Luke pulls out his bong for Calum, handing it over to him.

"I can't believe you leave in a few days." Calum says, looking up at me.

I frown, not really wanting to think about it. When I left LA I couldn't wait for this trip to be over. Now I know I'm going to miss them all so much when I go back home to LA.

"Are you trying to make us all sad?" Luke asks, looking over at Calum.

"Right, I forgot you're like, back together."

"We just told you we're not together!" Luke exclaims, rolling his eyes at Calum.

"Cal, if that does happen, it's going to be a little while. I don't think either of us can handle it right now."

"I mean, I can, but..." Luke mumbles, smirking.

"Oh shut up!" I chuckle, leaning over to shove him.

Calum puffs out smoke before speaking, "I get it. You two have the craziest history and Luke is truly a dumbass. I understand why Kelsey is going slow."

"Hey!" Luke shouts.

Calum shrugs, "I'm not wrong. You let her go in the first place."

"Okay, guys, lets not rehash the past. Luke, we agreed we were going to start over."

"Yeah, Calum. We agreed to start over. So shut up."

Calum raises his hands in surrender, quietly coughing, "Okay, okay. I'll let it go."


"So, you two have started over? How's that going?"

"Cal, we're friends. That's all there is to it." I tell him.

"I mean, we did go on a date, after starting over." Luke speaks up, and I hit him again.

"Oh, so, not starting over from the beginning?" Calum laughs.

"Okay, I guess we did sort of go on a date. But anyway, we're still friends."

"We're in love, but yeah, friends."

"Luke, will you stop!" I yell, wanting to hit him again, though I don't.


"How many times do I have to tell you we're taking this extremely slow!"

"Yeah, I'm gonna... go to the bathroom, or something." Calum mumbles, quickly rushing off.

"I know! I'm just- I'm joking around! You know I love you, Kels! I can't really help it. I never stopped loving you. Being with you these past couple of weeks has just- it's brought everything back. I'm so sorry. I think we might need space. Maybe you should just go."

Thick and Thin [l. hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now