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"How did things go with your friends yesterday?" Ashton asks, entering my room with his usual blue mug full of coffee in his hand.

I yawn, sitting up, "It was good. Kiana's engaged, so..."

"That's awesome!" Ashton smiles, sitting on my bed, taking a sip from his mug.

"Yeah, I'm happy for her. But, thinking about going to Seattle for the wedding stuff... I've been a bit worried."

"Oh, I didn't even think about that." Ashton replies, a worried look across is face now.

"Don't worry about me, please. I'll figure it out. Calum eventually picked up on the fact I'm not ready to go back to Seattle for the wedding, I can't go there and see Luke during all Kiana's wedding stuff. But Cal told me she doesn't talk to Luke anymore, and really hasn't since he cheated on me. I don't think I need to worry about him involved in wedding stuff. I should be okay." I weakly smile, looking up at him.

"That's good though! You and Luke at a wedding would definitely not be good for you." Ashton lightly chuckles, reaching out with his free hand, grabbing one of my hands.

I nod, "Yeah. But I'm done talking about him. He's been brought up way too much recently. I'm sick of it, frankly."

Luke has been on my mind way too often recently, way more than before. I thought I had blocked a lot of it out, but for some reason he's just always brought up. I hate it, and just wish it would stop.

"Yeah, but, maybe you should look into actually getting divorced. Maybe being in Seattle will help that." Ashton suggests, looking nervous about saying it.

"I don't know... I'm done with this right now. Can we stop bringing up Luke? I've had enough of my Seattle life this weekend. What are Nina and Kyle up to?"

"They're out at the library. Getting studying done. We can join them in a bit? They plan to be there all day." He tells me, heading towards my bedroom door.

"Yeah. I have to actually get out of bed and get ready first. But yeah." I smile, as he nods, leaving my room.

As I'm doing my makeup after my shower, my phone begins ringing, with Calum's name flashing across the screen.

I take a deep breath, staring at the phone before I pick up, "Hey!"

"Hey, Kels! Our flight got cancelled, we're going to stay another night and head home tomorrow. Kiana wanted to know if it's okay if we stop by for a bit?"

"Uh... I-"

"We know it's last minute and whatnot, we just wanna see you again."

"Yeah. Yeah, of course. You can come by. Does Kiana still have my address?" I nervously reply.

"Yeah. We'll see you soon!" Calum replies before ending the call.

"Ashton? Ashton!" I yell, running over to his room and letting myself in.

"Jesus, Kels!" Ashton exclaims, quickly wrapping his towel around him.

"Cal and Kiana and her fiancé are on their way here!" I panic, completely ignoring the fact that I almost accidentally saw Ashton naked, again.

"That's great! I'd love to meet them!"

"Are you dense? I don't want them here. I don't want Nina and Kyle to come home and see them, or even worse, if Michael just shows up like he always does!"

"Why didn't you just say no?" Ashton asks.

I groan, stomping my foot as if I'm a child having a tantrum, "I can't say no to them! They might ask why!"

Thick and Thin [l. hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now