It was KNIFE to meet you

Start from the beginning

I continue to fight Nat and Clint until I've successfully knocked Clint off the mat. I focus my attention on Aunt Nat, who's holding her own pretty well, at least compared to Uncle Clint. 

"PETER BENJAMIN PARKER WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT OF BED?" I hear from across the room. I successfully had Aunt Nat pinned to mat, but when I was distracted, she flipped over, and I had lost. 

"Shit." I swear under my breath, "Uh, nothin, just a stretchin' my legs, Mom." I say. And before you ask, yes, Pepper Stark, while not my biological mom, has pretty much become a mom to me after May died. I don't call Tony dad, I don't know why, and I feel bad knowing that he knows I call Pepper mom, but it feels so weird 'cause I've known him as Mr. Stark, my boss, my idol. For years almost. It's just, I don't know awkward, I guess?

"Honey, you got stabbed, STABBED. And your gonna just stroll down into the training room, like its no ones business?" Pepper asked, well it was more of a rhetorical question.

"Sorry, Mom, but I feel perfectly fine, I promise to you." I put my hands out as if I could calm her down.

"Don't 'sorry' me, mister, you need to get back in bed before your wound opens up again. You two let him do this?" She asked Aunt Nat and Uncle Clint firmly.

"He said he was fine Pepper, I mean, he looks fine to me." Clint answered.

Pepper glared at him before turning back to me. 

"Please, Mom, I'm fine I don't even feel it anymore, I just wanted to train with Aunt Nat and Uncle Clint." I pout.

"Peter." She stretches my name out.

"Fine, I'll go back to bed. But, I'll have you know, I'm not in any pain and the wound is practically already healed, so, I'm okay."

Pepper reaches out her hand and ruffles my hair before pulling me into a hug.

"I know, baby, but you got stabbed, I'm just worried about you. If you go up now, I'll make sure that you get access to Thor's pop tart supply for at least a month." She bargains.

"Thanks Mama." I giggle.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

With that I pull on my shirt and head out the door to find a shell-shocked group of teens that look suspiciously like my classmates at Midtow- Oh shit.

"Uh, h-hey guys." I stutter out.

"Peter? What are you doing here?" Mr. Harrington asks me.

"Oh, uh, well, I intern here, like I said." I answer awkwardly.

"And an intern spars with the Black widow and Hawkeye?" Asks Cindy.

"I-I-" I start but am cut off by Abe.

"And calls Pepper Stark, Mom?" 

"Well y-you see-" I'm starting to get annoyed, people keep cutting me off.

"Peter, what was that scar you had on your stomach?"

"Peter, where'd you learn to fight like that?"

"Did I hear Mrs. Stark say something about you getting stabbed?"

My head starts to spin from all the questions, everyone's talking at once, I can hardly make out what they're saying.

-+*+- Tony's POV -+*+-

"Boss, it seems that Peter Parker's in distress. Would you like to know where he is?" F.R.I.D.A.Y. informs me.

"Shouldn't he be in bed?" I ask myself. 

"Uh, yes please Fri."

And with that, I make my way down to the Avengers training room with great speed. Peter appears to be fine, physically, but he's obviously stressed and surrounded by a bunch of kids, probably the tour grou- oh uh, whoops, I, uh, I guess it was Peter's school, um, that's awkward, my bad. I knew that they were coming, I told him they were coming, guess I forgot to mention that it was his Decathlon team.

I make my way to the stressed Spider-ling and glare at the kids as I walk pass, hearing a bunch of, 'Oh my goodness, is that Tony Stark?' Or 'Why is he going over to Peter' the last one kinda bothered me, because no one seems to see how stressed out he is. 

As I get closer, Peter lifts his head and looks at me, a gleam in his eye telling me he's glad I'm here.

"Hey there, Pete. What's up, aren't you supposed to be upstairs?" I ask him trying to keep his mind off the group of kids. 

Before he can answer, Pepper's all over him.

"Baby, are you okay? F.R.I.D.A.Y. said that your stressed." She peppered (haha, get it???) him in kisses.

"Y-yeah, Mom, I'm fine, uh, not-not here, please." I feel a spike of jealousy at him calling Pepper, mom, but quickly get over it, my- the kid needs me.

"C'mere bud, let's get you something to eat." I grab his arm and pull him over to me, leading him to the elevator, Pepper can deal with the little brats.

"Thanks." Is all Peter says as we get into the elevator.

"Anytime kid, you alright? Like, honestly? You're not pretending to be Mr. Tough guy are you?"

He laughs a little and nods, "I'm fine, I mean my class was kind of stressing me out a little," He yawns, "Jeez, I guess they wore me out." 

"Yeah, I bet, you got stabbed, proceeded to spar with Birdbrain and the scary Russian lady, so I'd be surprised if you weren't tired. Let's get you to bed, I'll bring you something to drink." I guide him to his room, and lay him on his bed.

It looks like he's just about to fall asleep, so I give him a kiss on the forehead, "I love you, kid."

"I love you too, Dad." He mumbles, I feel like crying.

-+*+- TiMe sKiP-+*+-

"Pepper, Pepper Pepper Pepper! Guess what?" I yell at her as I get into bed that night.

"Yes, Tony?" She answered annoyedly.

"Pete, called me Dad, I think I can die happy." I sigh.

"That's awesome, Tony, now go to bed." She answers, clearly not at all as happy as I am, Party Pooper.

"Love ya, Pep."

"*sigh* Love you too, Tony."

Jeez, what did I ever do to deserve these two wonderful people. My own little family.


So whatcha think?

Don't forget to vote.

Not my best chapter, definitely my shortest.

Well, hope you enjoyed,


I'm bored.

Goodbye now darlings......

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