Suddenly a high pitched sound was heard like a horn of some kind.

"What...what's.." Raven asks startled.  Athena and Madi look concerned.

"Its like one of those horns" Madi suggested.
Athena looked towards the ground.
"It's the sound of war, its the horn they signal for people to fight...." Athena said quickly getting up.

Raven rose to her feet. What had caused this? Was Luna okay?
Had her little adventure resulted in pain for the others?

"We need to go now ! " Raven shouted. "Madi ...Madi you stay here with Ryan ...we will come back for you-"  Raven added.

"NO" Madi said. "I don't want to keep hiding ..."

"It's for your safety" Raven added. "Clarke needs you alive and Ryan needs you to look after him"

Madi looked displeased. "But i can fight"

Suddenly an eerie sound filled the cave. The anomaly began to shake.
"What did you press?" Raven asked.
Neither Athena or Madi spoke.
The anomaly began flashing with green swirls in front of their very eyes.

"Go... run" Athena spoke. "Quickly"

Madi froze and stood there holding Ryan. She didn't move.

"Madi" Raven shouted. Athena signalled for Raven to leave.

"I've got her" Athena spoke " come on Madi , we need to go"

Sparks started flying from the Anomaly causing the ground to shake beneath.

"...they need me to go through" Madi spoke. "The Commanders..." Madi stepped closer to the Anomaly.

"Madi ..please..." Raven pleaded. "Jusy step away"

Through the green mist , a figure wearing a strange armored suit came to light.

Athena seemed to recognise it. Her eyes opened wide and she ran towards Madi.

"Raven... Run .. get help and bring that army of yours to destroy Marcus" she grabbed hold of Madi just as the figure did. " The book Raven...follow the book"

The anomaly flashed once more and Both Madi and Ryan and Athena where pulled into it by the strange figure.

Raven didn't know what to believe. She sank to the floor in sadness. She had failed to look after Madi and Ryan. Tears began to stream down her face as she felt closer to losing everyone she loved.

She needed Luna. She missed Luna comforting her. She missed the simple times before all of this.

"I need your help" Raven pleaded under her breath though she knew Luna would not hear her cries.

Raven got off the floor slowly. The last words Athena told her still played in her mind.
Get help and bring that army to destroy Marcus.

What army?
Raven stood their confused. The sound of thunder was heard above and rain started frantically pouring down. Raven pushed the wet strands of her face and walked through the mud.

If Athena was right and a war had broke out it had only meant that Octavia had found a way out of the bunker. Luna could be hurt. Her friends could be hurt and now she had to worry about the fact that Madi , Ryan and Athena had been taken.

She had to get to the others. The sound of the horn was heard again, much louder. It had reminded her of the time when the conclave occured and she had saved Luna from a unfortunate death.
Raven knew if she didn't go off with Luna that more damage could of been done and it seemed that those events where meant to turn out how they did.

The Last War : Floukru Hainofi Where stories live. Discover now