Chapter 1

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Y/N's p.o.v.:

It was a hot sunny day. I would meet her for the first time. Mabel Pines. She was my internet best friend for the last four years and we finally decided to meet.
She's at her Grunkles shack right now and he allowed me to visit. Mable even said I could stay over the summer but I don't know about that, actually.

The bus should arrive soon in Gravity Falls.
Ive heard strange things are happening there. People are talking about monsters and stuff like that. But they always get told to be insane.
Nobody ever believed the history of Gravity Falls.
But I want to find out myself.

The bus stopped and the driver spoke through the loudspeaker.
"Please leave this bus now, you've reached the last bus station in Gravity Falls."

I grabbed my bag and stumbled out of the door.
I sighed and looked around.

"Y/N!!!", A high voice screamed. I turned around to see Mabel.
"Oh my god, Mabel, hi!"
She jumped into my arms and we had a long hug. She giggled and let go of me.
"Jeez you look much more beautiful in person!"
I blushed a bit. "T-thanks Mabel.. you look good too."

How old was she again? I think she's turning 13 this summer. Woah. I'm 18 and I'm turning 19 in a few months. I never thought about the almost 6 year difference. Meh, I guess that's okay.

In the background, I could see an older man looking at me with narrowed eyes. I awkwardly waved at him. This must be her great Uncle.

"Staaaan! Here, here! Meet my friend Y/N!", Mabel said giggling and shoved me towards her Grunkle Stan. "Hiiii...", I once again said awkwardly and... oh no... I did the finger guns. Damn it!

His suspicious look faded and he began to smile. "Hey there, kid. Now that ya here, I hope Mabel stops talkin' 'bout ya all the time.", he laughed. I smiled at Mabel, who was still grinning.

I heard the bus drive away. For a few seconds I paniced and thought I forgot my bags inside of the bus, but as soon as I spun around I saw them standing right behind me. I let out a relieved breath.

"Cmon Y/N, I want to show you the Shack!", Mabel said and grabbed my hand. I could barely grab my bags before she pulled me with her. Stan walked slowly behind us.

We arrived at an old wooden house. You could read "Mystery Shack" on top of it. ...Or did it say "Mystery Hack"?...

"Okay so here we are! Look at this beautiful old house! Isn't it just magnificent?!", she giggled. "Of course, Mabel.", I quietly laughed to myself. She was full of enery. I mean we texted and called each other... but in person she's... more energetic than ever. But I suppose that's a good thing.

We walked up the porch. There was an old sofa. Seems like the perfect place to sit and read. Then Mabel pulled me further into the Shack. We entered a small room, where nothing much was at. I saw some stairs. Also, there seems to be the kitchen on my left. We went further into the living room. Wow... vintage. No, that's not quite the right word. I don't know how to describe the feeling this room gives me, actually.

It was cute, though. A TV, a table with chairs and an armchair. "This is our living room. It isn't much but it's cool when you watch Ducktectiv with us.", Mabel said. "Ducktectiv?", I asked confused. She gasped shocked. "Hold up,so you're telling me right now that you never watched 'Ducktectiv'?" She looked at me like I just puked fire. "Uh, no. I have no idea what that is. But we can watch it together, if you want.", I said smiling. "Of course! I NEED to show you this show."

"Anyway, on the left behind this door is the Gift shop I told you about. But before we enter, let's bring your stuff up into my room.", she said and grabbed my hand again. We went into the small room again. I saw Stan drinking, I suppose, coffee.

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