Chapter 36

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Y/N's point of view:

„How the heck did he get into the shack?!", Ford asked out loud, running around in circles. I sat on his chair, leaning against the desk behind me.
„I mean, we kinda let him in? And he wasn't in his weird demon triangle form.", I replied.

„Y/N do you know what that means?? Bill is back! We can trust no one."
„Ford please calm down for a second, will you? Your sprinting makes me nervous. I know that it's like pretty bad that he's back. But going insane is not going to help us now!"

He sighed and stopped walking. „You're right."
„But now we got to think of a plan. What's our next move? We can't just wait for him, you know?"
„We got to make sure he's not going to come out of his realm. And I know exactly how we're going to do that.", Ford answered, looking at his left hand.

"And you sure you wanna let Dipper go there with you?", I asked him with one raised eyebrow. We were walking up the stairs.
"He's really intelligent, Y/N. I see a lot of potential in him."
I just looked at him from the side as if to say 'what about me'.
Ford seemed to notice and rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"You hold potential to be my girlfriend though.", he grinned and I stopped walking, blushing like hell.
He went on walking up the stairs as I finally caught myself again.
"H-hey! Aren't we like... dating already?"

"Are we?", he smirked.
I pouted. We didn't officially date yet. Man, and that was really bumming me out.

Ford didn't tell Dipper anything yet, and I wonder why. The twins will turn 13 in only one week. I'm scared this new information could kinda shatter everything.
I mean, they know Bill is back but why do they seem so... chill about it?
I had several sleepless nights because of it and Ford didn't look that good as well.

I shook these thoughts off, focusing on the pancakes in the pan in front of me.
An arm grabbed my waist and I turned around to see Ford resting his head on my shoulder.
"I'm going to explain everything to Dipper today. Do not worry, alright? And... maybe let me speak to him alone."
I nodded and he gave me a small kiss before leaving the kitchen again. I sighed after he was gone.

Now Mabel was walking in with Soos, Dipper and Stan behind her.

"Alright, party planners. In one week we become teenagers, and our summer vacation winds to an end. So we need to throw the greatest party of all time! I'm talking piñatas with tinier piñatas inside."
I giggled at Mabel's enthusiasm.

"Boom, dreams comin' true!", Soos exclaimed and poured little piñatas into a large piñata.
"I'm talking inviting everyone in town. Let's see, where do we stand with the gnomes?", she went on.
I quickly turned around shaking my head.
"Not so fast. No way we're gonna invite those goofus. Besides... maybe... we shouldn't invite anyone to the mystery shack.", I trailed off and thought of the Summer-ween night last week.

"Okay mom.". Mabel stuck out her tongue and I widened my eyes.

"No, she's right. After that zombie incident, no one's throwing another party at my house. I keep finding little bits of the undead in the couch cushions. Let alone talk about what happened on summer-ween.", Stan helped me, as he came into the kitchen as well. There was a short silence. And I could feel some gazes on my back.

"But Grunkle Stan, we need some roof to raise.", Mabel pouted.
"Dude, you could rent out the Gravity Falls High School gym, and have your party there. That place is empty all summer long.", Soos suggested.
"See, looks like a Good plan to me.", I smiled.

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