Chapter 17

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Stanford's point of view :
(Oooh something new)

Y/N went to bed. My heart was pounding in my chest.
What was wrong with me, anyways?
I don't even know myself, if I'm being honest. Since that damn game said that she was in love, I couldn't stop thinking about it.
Who could she possibly be in love with?
Is it Stanley? They seemed pretty close to me.
But she seemed like she didn't even know she was in love herself. So... who is it?
And why do I want to know the answer so bad?
I literally can't stop thinking about it. About her.

I covered my face with my hands and rubbed my eyes. A quiet sigh left my mouth.
You're going insane, old man.

Y/N's Perspective:

I woke up in the middle of the night. I got shivers. It was so cold...
I sat up and scratched my neck, yawning.
My sleepy eyes went to the right where Stanford was laying.
He was saying something, but he didn't seem awake to me.
Was he... sleep talking?

But what he was saying was nonsense.
He was sweating and I began to get a little bit concerned.
Should I wake him up?

I stood up and walked towards him like a toddler.
I sat down on the cold floor next to him and put my hand on his shoulder.
„Shhh... you're only dreaming, Ford.", I said.
He actually seemed to calm down.

Then he suddenly opened his eyes and grabbed my arm harshly. Ford jumped up, pinned me onto the ground and seemed to search something in my eyes. I yelped and hit my head on the ground.
„Oh- I'm so sorry, Y/N!", he suddenly said and let go immediately, as he noticed it was only me.
I was laying there in shock for a few seconds.
„Are you alright??", Ford asked me scared.

I rolled onto the side and chuckled in my hand.
„Pfff... I'm okay.", I said wiping away a tear that got out of my eye.

He looked at me a bit confused but then also started smiling.
„What did you even do?", he asked me with a small, quiet chuckle.
„I heard you talking in your sleep. It sounded kind of stressful, you were sweating and all. I thought I could calm you down somehow. Sorry I woke you up."
„Oh.. I didn't know I'm talking in my sleep... but thank you for helping me. In fact, I did have a nightmare.", he responded.

„Why are you thanking me?", I laughed quietly. „I woke you up. That wasn't supposed to happen."
Ford shrugged. „It's good you did. I normally don't sleep that long."
I frowned. „Why is that?"
He rubbed his eyes. „It's... complicated. As I was in the portal, sleep was dangerous. I just got used to the new sleep rhythm, I guess."

„But too little sleep is very unhealthy... You should go to bed again. It's not even morning yet.", I said.
„No I don't think I will be able to fall asleep again.", Ford answered.
„Then I'll stay awake with you."
„No, I can't ask that of you. You also need your sleep."
„It's okay, I couldn't sleep anymore anyways.", I said and waved one of my hands.

He sighed.
„Won't you at least try?"
„Nope.", I said and sat down next to him. I leaned my back against the wall.

„But... are you really alright, Stanford? You know, you seemed lost in thoughts lately and now you were having nightmares. I don't know if this is normal for you, but it definitely isn't for me.", I said looking at him, as I ended my sentence.
„No, it's nothing. I'm fine, really."
„Most times when people say they're fine, they're actually not.", I said and raised one of my eyebrows.

„Y/N, it's really not important. I'm getting used to this dimension. It takes some time, I guess."
I nodded.

We stayed silent for a while. But I broke the silence.
„Stanford? Would you tell me what exactly happened in the portal?"
He shortly glanced at me.
„I guess I could tell you.", he replied and faced the ground in front of him.

„There were a lot of weird creatures, all starving with the wish to find some food. Or just something to kill. They killed everyone and everything they could find. If you wanted to survive there, you had to fight. And... sometimes even hide. That's mostly better than overestimating yourself. I invented lots of new weapons, like the gun i have with me right now."

„Was Bill there too?", I wanted to know.
„Strangely, no. Well, sometimes. As I was trapped inside of the portal, I began to realise how powerful he is. He visited me almost every night in my dreams to drive me insane. I don't know where he was the most of the time, but I didn't see him. Unfortunately, he was the one always seeing everything. I bet he was there the whole time. Watching."

I got shivers.
„Are you cold?", he suddenly changed the subject.
„Meh, not really.", I said and smiled.
But just after that, I got goosebumps.
Ford took off his coat and gave it to me. „You better put that on before you catch a cold.", he smiled.
I slightly blushed. But I bet he couldn't see because it was so dark.
The moon was the only thing giving us light.

„T-thanks.", I Said and put it on.
„But, speaking of Bill, did you dream of him tonight too?", I changed the subject back again.
„...No.", he only said.
It didn't look like he would tell me what exactly his dream was about.

„Geez, we should stop talking about me now.", he chuckled and hung his head a little low.
„What about you? What did you do before coming to Gravity Falls?", he asked me.
„Well, I finished school. I told my parents what I wanted to do and... well they said I should find something better to do. But then Mabel said I could come here and do my research about Gravity Falls. And here I am.", I smiled.
„How did you meet? I mean, you and Mabel?"

„We met through the internet. She saw one of my posts two years ago and added me. We started texting each other and became friends."
Ford looked like he didn't understand the half I was saying and I chuckled.
„Basically, we wrote each other.", I said and he nodded.

„I'm really glad I met her. And that I got the chance to actually come here. But I believe my parents will never believe me. And maybe I should find something better to do for a living."
„What? No. Why do you think so?", Ford suddenly snapped and sat straight.

I was kind of overwhelmed with this sudden reaction.
„Well, what do I do with all this new information? My parents will probably only send me to a mental Hospital. And probably no one would believe me."
Stanford stayed silent. He seemed to think.
„Basically, you could move out from your parents house."

„Yeah, but why would I do that? Currently, I don't have enough money. And even if, that wouldn't help me much.", I Said chuckling.

There was another long silence and I began to get sleepy again.
Before I even noticed, my eyes closed and I fell asleep.

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